Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Texas State Fair!

My mom came in for a visit, and since the Texas State Fair was going on, we decided to take her! It was really fun! We ate a lot of food and walked around a lot! The girls got to miss their nap that day so we could just have fun! They were troopers!

Here are my mom and I standing in front of a sign!

As soon as we walked in, Riley spotted this lady dancing! She loved watching her. She went all the way up to the front and just stood there in awe! It was cute!

My honey's!

Feeding the animals!

You definitely can't go to the Texas State Fair and not have a corn dog! They are the best!

Tornado Taters...Mmmmm!

They had a cute little farming area for kids where they got to be farmers!

The girls got to ride a couple of rides, because they were tall enough this year. It was a little bit sad to me. I told my mom as we watched them ride, that it felt really weird just standing outside the gate watching them ride rides all by themselves. I had glimpses of them being teenagers and wanting to go do everything alone. They sure did enjoy it though!

We topped the Fair experience off with some cotton candy for the ride home!


Alexandra said...

how fun!!! my parents are coming in this weekend and we plan on going...hopefully the weather holds up for us ;)

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

I am SOOO jealous of your daughter's corny dog from the state fair!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great day that was!!mum