Friday, March 28, 2008


We had a lot of fun activities in March! A couple weeks ago, Emily had a costume party. It was fun! Josh and I were Popeye and Olive Oil and the girls were Thing 1 and Thing 2. Then of course, Sunday was Easter. I was in the toddler class Sunday morning, so I got to see all the kids in their Easter outfits! The girls had a lot of fun hunting for Easter eggs. They actually got to do it twice...once at church and once at home! Then we colored eggs and they had fun with that!
Today is Riley's 2nd birthday. That is just crazy to me. I can't believe she is 2. For some reason, since she has just hit 2, I feel more like a mom. I know, it is weird, but it is true. Of course, today I am thinking a lot about 2 years ago today and how I was in labor with her and freaked out of my mind to be a mom and not knowing what I was doing and all that. It is just CRAZY! We are going to have a dinner tonight and let her open a few gifts. We are having a duel bday party for the girls next weekend (on Aydia's 1st bday) so Riley is going to do most of her celebrating and gift opening that day, but I wanted to do something on her actual bday for her! She has NO idea what a birthday is. We keep telling her it is her birthday today and that she is 2 years old and she just keeps saying, "No, it's not my birthday." So funny...she just has no idea...I am sure once we give her presents to open she will want it to be her bday everyday!
Riley is becoming more and more funny every day. Yesterday, she was banging on the bathroom door when Josh was in the shower and she said, "Open the door, I demand it!" I started cracking up and asked her where she heard that and she said from the princess movie (Cinderella...her favorite!). Today, I found her watching a movie holding her diaper in her hand that she had taken off...she was just bare bottomed standing there with her diaper in her hand...I just hope she doesn't do this when there is poop in it!
Aydia took her first steps on Saturday night. She only took a couple, but she won't do it again...she is such a cautious child. I am so ready for her to walk. She is so heavy and it is getting to be a pain to carry her everywhere! She seems to be learning faster than Riley was at this age. Aydia tries to repeat everything you say and is learning new words and stuff everyday. All of the sudden, she is becoming a child and not a baby. She understands simple instructions and tries to communicate things that she wants instead of screaming and hoping you can figure it out! My babies are growing up.
Well, here are some pictures of our month!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Locked in the bathroom, with the lights out, screaming...

So, I joined a gym last week and went to work out on Thursday morning for the first time. I had a good work out and Aydia surprisingly had an awesome time playing...if you know her, you know she is the baby that cries in the nursery at church the WHOLE time and on MANY occasions, they have had to come get me because she cries herself to throwing up! However, Riley did not have such a good time. When I went to pick the girls up, as I said, Aydia was fine, but they could not find Riley...I told them to look in the bathroom that is in the back. They opened the door and there is my sweet little girl, locked in, with the lights out, screaming. Nobody could hear her and the had NO idea she was in there. SCARY!!!! Anyways, she recovered very quickly and was totally fine, but man, that is scary as a mom. I tried to call and talk to the manager twice and she apparently is never there. I ended up just telling a desk worker what happened and asked them to tell the manager and that hopefully they can just take that as an eye opening experience and keep a better watch on the bathroom and it's activity. I brought the girls back with me today and Riley had no issues...I told the worker that she locked herself in the bathroom last time, so to watch her around the bathroom and she looked at me like, oh, you are the mom that complained about that...whatever, I just want my kids safe and not to play in toilet water! Aydia, on the other hand, screamed the whole time and they had to come get me because she threw up! It is a little frustrating to me, because I really want to work out and feel that the hour it takes me will make me a better mom and wife is so many ways. Please pray that Aydia will just play and have fun and that the workers will watch my kids!
This week is a pretty busy wee for us. Yesterday I went to Chuck E. Cheese with the girls for a kids bday party from church, then my friend Bre came over and we hung out while the kids took naps, then we went over to her and Paul's house for dinner...we made steaks! They were awesome! After dinner, we put the kids to bed over there and played Mad Gab until 11:30! It was SO much fun! Today is Emily's bday, so we are going to dinner at BJ's later tonight...LOVE BJ's! Tomorrow afternoon, I may take the girls to the reading at the library and then tomorrow night is our community group. Thursday and Friday is Josh's spring break and we are taking the girls to the Zoo in Fort Worth! I am so excited about this! I hope it doesn't rain. Friday we have Emily's bday party! It should be a fun, but busy week! There should be plenty of pictures from this week that I will put up next week.

Here are a couple pics of the girls from our Spring Photo Shoot!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Fun with the Potter's!

Last weekend, Josh and I met my parents, Re, and grandparents in Oklahoma to watch Ny in her Spring Sing show! It was a lot of fun! Ny's club won! They did awesome! After being there for a couple of days, we all came to Dallas (minus the grandparents). Sunday night, we went to Abuelo's for dinner, our friends Bre, Paul, and their little boy Jude met us there! Monday we went to the aquarium and the girls LOVED it! They both really love animals and just had so much fun! After the aquarium, we went to Outback for good! Tuesday, we went to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch...of course, the girls had so much fun! Then for dinner, we went to Spring Creek! My mom loves that place! Before dinner, I took Re to the airport and my parents got to keep the girls for a couple of hours...I know they had so much fun! It was really good to have them here and we can't wait to see them again! Re and my mom and hopefully Zach are getting to come out for the girls bday party in about a month, so we did not have to say bye for too long! Well, here are some pictures of our weekend/early week!