Thursday, April 30, 2009

As Seen At My House!

When sitting on my couch, this is what I see!

My favorite blanket!

The pictures on my fireplace...that need to be updated a bit!

My sister made this...I love it!

and into my kitchen...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kids Say the Darndest things...

Riley: "What is your name?"
Aydia: "Ballet."
Riley: "Oh, my name is Karla!"
Aydia: VERY mad "You are NOT named Karla!"
Riley: sad, "Oh."
Aydia: "You are NOT named Karla."

The conversations the girls have are hilarious sometimes! Aydia has some work to do on her imagination! A lot of the time, she takes things very literally...such as, if I say, "Are you tired?" She may respond back with, "No, I Aydia!"

Monday, April 27, 2009

Would You Rather Monday...

Would you rather

fly when you fart

pee every time you laugh?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Riley's first boyfriend...

This little boy says he is going to marry Riley. She usually thinks that is ok! He refers to her as his girlfriend. He really likes her. Isek's (that's his name, Isek) mom and I went to Ikea last week and let Riley and him play in the play area while we shopped. When we picked them up, Maria asked Isek what they did and he said that he had to tell some boy, "Get away from her, she is my girlfriend." We were leaving a friends house last Sunday after having lunch over there and as they were walking out (riley was already in the car) he got really upset and yelled out, "Wait, I HAVE to say bye to my girlfriend Riley." He also talks about how they are going to have their own house one day, they will need some books though, and they are going to have a baby, and he is going to carry it for Riley, so that she doesn't have to! He is very sweet! One day at lunch, Isek was really upset and said, "I don't think I can marry Riley anymore." "Why not?" His mom asked him. "She argues too much." He stated! He changed his mind about that and realized that girls just argue and he would just have to deal with it.
This is Isek.

These are pictures of them playing together!

Last night, we had a BBQ over at a friends house, and Josh told me that Riley and this little boy Haddon got married.

Apparently, (I was not there) Isek got really upset about that.
When Riley got home last night, she told me all about it. She said that she married Haddon and she was just pretending and that Isek took her away.
We don't really make a big deal of it either way. We know that they are only 3 and 5 and it is totally harmless. It is pretty cute though! It is hilarious to listen to the conversations kids have and the way that their minds work!

Would You Rather Monday...

Would you rather
fly when you fart
pee every time you laugh?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

As Seen At My House!

These are the new foods we tried this week! Ezekiel bread was amazing! Our new fav! The rice milk was also a hit! We will definitely be purchasing these again! Oh, and we can't forget about the cashew butter! LOVE IT! I am not a fan of Peanut Butter (I know, weird), but LOVED the cashew butter!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Kids Say the Darndest things...

Riley: "When you take a nap, you will have a great dream!"
Me: "Oh yeah, what did you dream about?"
Riley: "Caterpillars turning into butterflies!"
Me: "That is a nice dream!"
Riley: "Aydia, what did you dream about?"
Aydia: "Mustard!"

The funny thing about this is that she has never even had mustard :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Would You Rather Monday...

This is a new thing I am starting...I think it will be fun! So, all you have to do is answer the question and explain your answer! Here we go...

Would you rather have 3 eyes or webbed feet?

Oh, Aydia...

Aydia: very worriedly, "Oh no, my shoe!"
Me: "Are they coming off?"
Aydia: very madly, "Yes, they not obey."

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dear Jesus...

We were in the car driving home from a friends house and I hear Riley say this, "Dear Jesus, thank you for lettuce and for those green things at sprouts and thank you for sprouts and all of the food there like carrots, and ranch, and grapes. And thank you for like, all of the food. Amen!"

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What are your kids talking about?

These are typical things that my kids talk about!

"Mom, it's sunny day!"

She thinks that our friends do everything with us (which is pretty true, but not ALWAYS, like when we go grocery shopping!) If we are about to leave to go somewhere, she says, " who is coming with us?"

"What are we doing today?" (But she wants to know the exact order and who is coming with us!)

"Can I watch a movie?"

"Daddy is at the fire station with all of his friends, Bob, Mike, and Todd." (some of the guys daddy works with!)

"Can we go to the mall?"

"Do these shoes go on these feets?"

"I like all those kids!" (when we pulled up to the park!)

"Miss Judy told me that Jesus lives in my heart. He went in here (pointing to her coloring paper with the tomb on it) and then he came out and he was alive!"

"That doesn't glorify God, that glorifies Riley!" (She is starting to understand!)

"What you talking bout?"

"Where we goin?"

"I hogy mommy."

"Twinko twinko witto dar. How I wonder whachu are..." LOVES this song!

"No more monkey's jump on da bed, one fell off and bump his head, da doctor said, no more monkey's jump on da bed."

"Where daddy go?"

"Daddy at da biredation!" (anytime daddy is not with us, he is always at the fire station!)

"Mommy, I go see Liley!" (she always wants to go see Riley, she loves to be where she is!)

Wordless Wednesday...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Day...

The easter baskets we gave the girls! (We don't do the whole Easter bunny thing, it may seem boring, but we just don't want them to loose the true meaning of Easter!) (Oh, I made those bows ;)!

Cute girlies!

Me and my girls!

This is what my husband did while we were SUPPOSED to be playing a game...

This is what I did as I was bored while everyone was sleeping but me...(played with my camera :)!)

Look, there is one right there!

What's that you say? Oh, I didn't ask if I could eat ALL of my easter candy? Well, I did...and I got caught red handed!

What is in there?

All the Brock children and grandchildren

Holy smokers, look at all that candy...

Coloring Easter Eggs...

I got to color easter eggs with the girls this year!
They had fun!
They made a mess!
Riley had blueishgreenish fingers for a day!
Aydia had to wipe her hands with a napkin every time they got wet!
It only lasted 10 minutes!
But it was fun!