Thursday, July 24, 2008

The latest!

Well, we have been busy! When you have 4 kids 2 and under in one house, it seems to always be busy! There is always something that has to be done or someone that needs something! It is fun! We have been doing a lot of fun stuff as well! Playing outside on the new slide in the backyard (sandbox to come!), going to the park, pools...lots! Here are some pics of what we have been up to!
Our little monkey!
Mommy and Aydia going down the slide!
The girls going down the slides at the pool! They loved it! They were very was cute!

Josh was working outside one day and as he was just passing through, Riley said, "Daddy, will you paint my nails?" He thought it was so cute that he could not say no! What a good daddy!
And this last one, the girls kissing!

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Sorry there has been no post for a LONG time. We have been in the process of moving! Most people think this is crazy and weird and wonder why you would EVER do this, but we have just moved in with some friends! We have been converting their garage into a room and that is where Josh and I live and the girls have their own room in the house! Why would you want to move in with friends you say? Well, it is fun! We have lived with people for 1 yr and 9 mo of our 3 year marriage and think it is fun! Some days, it is totally not fun living with people, but for the most part, it is fun and exciting! The people we moved in with are our really good friends (pretty much our best friends!). She is a stay at home mom as well, so we just get to hang out and play all day long together! We have 4 kids 2 and under in the house! It is SO fun! And you have built in babysitters! People all over the world live in tiny houses with other people and it is normal, yet in America, people think it is weird and uncomfortable. Pretty much anyone that finds out we are living with friends has something negative to say about it and says we are going to hate it, but we totally know this is what God wants for both of our families and know it is going to be great! We don't want to be anywhere but where God wants us, and this is it!
I am going to upload pictures later, so I will get some up in the next couple of days! I am trying to hold a 2 month old and type and it's difficult and taking forever, so this will be a short post!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The 4th!

For the 4th of July, we went to some friends uncle's house out in the sticks! We had a ton of fun! They had kiddie pools, slides, trampolines, swings, and waterballoons for the kids! The girls LOVED it! They played hard and then we did fireworks. Riley liked the sparkler's and all the popping ones that you can throw on the ground. I was surprised that she could actually throw them hard enough, Aydia on the other hand could not...she did enjoy throwing them and then picking them up again though! When the big fireworks show came on, Aydia LOVED it and watched the whole thing, but Riley did not care at all. She thought it was too loud and wanted to go inside and play in the playroom. This is totally opposite of what I thought would happen! Here are some pics of us on our 4th!

Here is all 4 of us!

The girls jumping on the trampoline...they loved it!

Riley holding a sparkler!

Mommy and Aydia kissing!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hello John!

Yesterday, the girls and I are upstairs in my room hanging out when the doorbell rings. As always, Riley says, "Who is it, mommy?" "I don't know, let's go see!" I say. So, here we go down the stairs and see that Emily (sister-in-law) is on her way to the door. She says hey to a man and in he comes. Steve, who had just came over to also see who it was begins to introduce us. This is how the convo went.

Steve: "Jo, this is John Carse, Jared's dad."
Jo: "Hi, it is nice to meet you!" (Smile and shake hands!)
John: "Nice to meet you too!" (Looks over at Steve) "Are these your grandkids?"
Steve: "Yes!"
John: "Are they twins?" (I know, kind of weird, but mind you, I was holding Aydia so I am sure it was hard to see how much shorter she is that Riley!)
Me: "No..." (interupted)
John: "How old are they?"
Riley: "I'm 5!"
Steve: "Riley, you're 5?"
Riley: "Oh, no, I'm 4!"
Jo: "She's 2 and 3 months and she is 1 and 3 months."
John: "Oh, wow, I bet you are busy!"
Jo: "YES!"
Riley: "John, this is my sister Aydia. She's my sister!"
Steve: "Oh, this is your sister Aydia! Oh, ok!" (looks over at John and gestures to come on in some more and do whatever they needed to do...A/C stuff)
Riley: looks at me and says, "I am going to go with John!"

I thought this was quite an amusing conversation! I love how Riley kept using his name like they were best friends! It was cracking me up! The whole time he was there, Riley kept saying, "Mom, what is John doing?" She is a social butterfly!