Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Aydia! She is almost 4 years old! She is very creative and artsy. She is very cautious and gets scared easily. She likes people to help her do things, although, she is becoming a little bit more independent. She loves to play pretend. She is a really good sister! She loves to sing songs, all the time, about anything! She tells us that she loves us a lot! She loves to cut paper! She loves to put on chapstick and look at herself in the mirror! She is so sweet! We love her so much!

She fixed her own hair!

She put make-up on, using chalk!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Riley is almost 5 years old! She is in preschool and loves it! She is a great student and a great helper to her teacher! She has the sweetest heart. She is a people pleaser! She doesn't like upsetting or hurting anyone and gets quite emotional if she does. She is a wonderful big sister, very caring and nurturing! She loves watching movies, playing pretend, she has an incredible imagination! She loves to dress up. She is starting to be modest and closes the door when she goes to the bathroom or changes her clothes. She is pretty independent in the sense that she can get things for herself and doesn't need or want much help. She loves to be around people, she is very social. Her best friend is a sweet little girl from school named Kennedy, there is a picture of them together below! I am so thankful for our little Riley!

This is her best friend from school

Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentines shirts!

I saw a link to these super cute and super easy do-it-yourself Valentines shirts! Naturally, I made them! I used Tulip fabric paint from Hobby Lobby and it worked fabulously! I love them!

Polish swap!

My blogger friend, Meredith, hosted a nail polish swap! She has done a few scarf swaps that I have been a part of and these things are just so much fun!

I sent this little bottle to my swap partner, Tricia! She told me she LOVED anything that sparkles! Who knew that one just like this had just recently bit the dust over at her house! So glad I could replace it for her, hehe!

This is the one she sent me, it is called, Suzi Skis in the Pyrenees Suede! It has a suede look and feel to it, it is not shiny like normal nail polish...I love that! I put it on my nails and toe nails the day I got it! It is fun!

Thanks, Tricia!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

1 Year Old!!!

My sweet, sweet Zeke is one year old today. I can't believe it. His babyhood has been the easiest for me so far! Not because he was my easiest baby, if you have ever met Z, you know he is crazy! Rather, because of the grace of God! I have learned a lot in my almost 5 years as a mom and learned that there are seasons, or phases, and they will pass! I have learned to take things one day at a time, I have learned a lot about patience and unconditional love! I have learned how to function sanely on very little sleep! I am so thankful that the Lord has given me opportunities to learn these things. I still mess up and have those "parent fail" moments, but I have also learned how to forgive myself and be able to move on instead of feel like I have screwed my kids up for life because of that one failing moment.

This year flew by! I can't even believe that one year ago today, I was just having my sweet boy! I can't believe this baby... is already this baby... He has grown and changed so much!
He is still a mama's boy! I love it...most of the time! He is obsessed with spoons, socks (not on his feet, either in his mouth or carrying them around), balls, and dogs! He says some words! He can say, ball, dog, mama, more (sounds a lot like mama though!), Aydia (Aya or Eya), Riley (Yaya), Dada, Uh-oh, no, yeah, hey, bye bye (though he has only actually said this once, he usually just waves!), ow, and oh! He dances when there is music and can give high fives!

We had his first birthday party last night with my in-laws! It was fun! We had pizza, one of his favorites and of course, cake! He was not interested in opening the gifts at all, he much preferred the balloons! Here are some pictures!

His cute cake made by his aunts, Amanda and Emily!

Zeke's smash cake!

He loves balloons!

Me and the birthday boy!

Singing happy birthday!

Blowing out the candles! His sisters took it upon themselves to blow them out before he had a chance to learn how!

Yummy cake!

Playing with his new walker!

Happy birthday sweet boy! I love you so much! You have been such a joy to my life this past year!