Saturday, November 20, 2010

Family Pictures: Outtakes

"Ok, you girls stand here and hold Zeke's hands and he will stand here like a sweet, perfect angel...oh, and all of you will smile perfectly!" What was I thinking?!

"Aydia, give me the rock, please!"

Open your eyes, Ri!

"Mom, stop kissing me already, I am over this picture taking thing."


Pretty sure I am saying, "Just be normal!"

Oops, Zeke got ahold of some hair!

Oh yes, very flattering for me!

My husband is a weirdo! He has a hard time taking serious pictures!

Zeke is done!

Friday, November 19, 2010


We went to the Dallas Arboretum with a friend! They had their pumpkin stuff up, it is awesome! Here are some pics of our time there! Sorry this is short and sweet!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


This year, I plan on using Shutterfly for our Christmas cards! I am really excited about all the super cute options they have for Christmas! I think I am going to have a hard time making my final decision! Here are a few of my favorites!

I love the gray base color with the splashes of color in the lights and wording! I love that it is pretty simple, yet still has some color!

I am LOVING the modern trees on this one...and those polka dots, how adorable!

Ok, this one would be really fun if you have kids, especially young kids! I feel like every year, our kids are changing so much and we could just sum up their little personality for that year right under their picture!

They also have a lot of fun invitations for that special holiday party, or that super fun Cookie Swap!

Cute, right?! I partly want to plan a cookie swap just so I can use these super cute invitations! Hehe!

Shutterfly also has an option to create your own calendar using your own photos for each month! How fun is could do pictures of the person/people that have birthdays in each month! I know it would make my girls really happy to see their faces on the calendar during their birthday month!

Go check out Shutterfly and order yourself some Christmas or Holiday cards!