Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sweet giveaway!

Check out this cute little bag for your hair straightener! Wanna win it? If so, go over HERE!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Game time!

One of our favorite things to do is play games! We love to play games with friends and family, but also just the 2 of us. The girls are at an age where Josh and I can get out our game and play and we can get out one of their games and they can "play" it!

What is your favorite thing to do with your husband?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Shopping in your closet...frugal fashionista's

This week with Meredith's Shopping in Your Closet, is frugal fashionista's. It is all about frugal finds at Target, Forever 21, stores like that! I pretty much ONLY shop at stores like that and usually get things on sale, so this post is perfect for me! Here are a couple of my fav frugal finds!

Both of these shirts are from Forever 21 for under $20!

This dress is probably my favorite dress! It is from Target and was actually a gift from my best friend Emily for my birthday, but I picked it out! It was $25!

These purple sunglasses are my absolute favorite glasses I have ever owned...they also have them in green and blue and I really want to get the green ones too! They are from Target for under $15!

And finally, one of my favorite necklaces! I also got this at Target. I bought one for my sister as a gift and then liked it so much, that I went back and got one for me too! I got it on sale for like $5!

Head on over HERE and linky up with your fav frugal finds!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

We are having a...

...BOY!!! Ezekiel Joshua Brock!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Third pregnancy

So far, with this pregnancy, I feel remarkable better than I did with my first 2. I am not very sick and I have a pretty good energy level. I finally understand why people say they enjoy being pregnant! I started feeling this baby move around 10 weeks. I know it is early, but when you know what it feels like, you know! This baby moves all. the. time. When we had our sonogram, the lady trying to get measurements had a hard time getting them. She actually said these words, "I have never had such an uncooperative baby before! This one is just moving all over the place!" At one point, she was trying to get a measurement of the baby's head and said, "Come on baby, just move your head down just a little bit." Exactly after she said that, the baby looked up, as if it was like, "what did you say to me?!" I was cracking up. At about 17 weeks, Josh felt the baby move! My appetite with this baby is not very big. I eat just about what I did before I was pregnant, some days, less. This is crazy to me, because with the girls, I was SO hungry, it was a "if I don't eat now, I will throw up" sort of hungry. I had a lot of heartburn for a couple of months, but that has seemed to get remarkably better. I am really loving being pregnant this time around! I hope that will continue! I am so thankful to God for allowing me to feel good with this pregnancy. When Josh and I were talking to God about if he wanted us to have another baby or not, I just kept asking God that I would feel good with the pregnancy and that I would be able to care for the girls the way that I needed to. He answered my prayer! I am so thankful. We find out tomorrow if this baby is a boy or girl and I can't wait! We have our guess, but what is yours?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wordless Wednesday...Josh and I 3 years ago! (I want my hair like this!)

(Don't forget to go to the previous post and give me your guesses for if we are having a girl or a boy!)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Is it a girl or a boy? What's your guess?!

This pic was at 17 weeks!

These are sono pics that we had done around 16 weeks!

On Friday we have our sonogram to find out for sure what we are having! They had an idea at the last one, but it was still just a little early, so this one I will be 19 weeks and they will know for sure! So, what are your it a GIRL or a BOY?!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Kids Say the Darndest things...

Riley: "Do you see that girl over there?" (pointing to a random girl walking on the street) "She is a girlfriend just like I am Isek's girlfriend."
Daddy: "I thought you said today that you were Haddon's girlfriend."
Riley: "Ya, I am both of their girlfriend."
Mommy: "Oh, I don't think they would like that very much, you probably should just pick one."
Riley: "But I want 2 boyfriends. How about I just don't tell them."

Oh dear, is this a glimpse into our future? Is Riley going to be a girl who takes after her daddy? Hey, he said it, not me!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Scarf Swap

Meredith is hosting a scarf swap! Go check it out!

Meal help...

We are trying to cut back a little bit on our meat intake. Mostly because it will be easier on our pocketbook, but also because we just don't need to eat as much meat as we do! Here is where I need your help. Leave me a comment your favorite meatless recipes or link to your fav's, please!

Second pregnancy

This is me 3 days before I had Aydia! (Of course, I was terrible at remembering to take pics of myself pregnant and now wish I would have.)

When Riley was 3 months old, I had a feeling. I had not had a period since I Riley was born, but I just knew. I kept meaning to take a pregnancy test, but just kept forgetting (like I was busy or something!). We were about to go on a camping trip with our friends Emily and Trevor, and we stopped at Target to pick up food and all that good stuff, when I was passing the pregnancy test aisle, and looked at my friend and said, "Should I get one?" We decided to get one. I told Josh that I was going to go into the bathroom and take the test...yes, at Target! So, my best friend Emily and I go in the bathroom while Josh and his best friend Trev wait outside of the bathroom door. I take the test and it immediately shows up positive. I showed it to Emily and she screamed at the top of her lungs! Meanwhile, upon hearing the screaming coming from the bathroom, Trev looked over at Josh and said, "Congratulations!" I came out of the bathroom crying and told Josh the news! Just about when we got back from our camping trip, the vomiting started again. I, again, threw up a lot during Aydia's pregnancy. This was a really rough pregnancy for me. I was pretty sick, and I had a baby to take care of. Josh was working crazy hours...he would leave around 4:30 am and get home around 7 pm. It was rough. Riley was not sleeping through the night (and didn't until 3 weeks before Aydia Rhyan was born), so I did not get much sleep. I remember many, many nights laying on Riley's floor just crying and crying because I was so tired and I just wanted my baby to sleep. There were many mornings I remember waking up puking and having to call my sister, who lived just down the stairs in the same house, to come get Riley for me. She was definitely my lifesaver! Even though I did not have Josh around, I had my sister to help me out a lot! I don't remember many details about Aydia's pregnancy, but I do remember that she had a very strong kick. Like, seriously strong. It was painful every time she kicked me. We never knew 100% that she was a girl because every time we would get a sonogram, she would burry her face down really low (we never got to see her face on the sono's) and curl up in a ball...she was shy (and still is)! Since we never got to see her face, I had always wondered about a certain movement she would do. She had her head really, really low, and I could feel a really strange movement going on, when she was born, as soon as they laid her on the table, she lifted her head up and looked side to side...I yelled out, "That is what you were doing!" The nurses were amazed! I am telling you, she was a STRONG baby...and still is! I also remember that every time I would hold Riley, Aydia would kick on the side where Riley was...sibling rivalry already! Again, I was quite emotional when I was pregnant with Aydia...really emotional. I was a bit of a mess.

First pregnancy

Oh, my first pregnancy! Josh and I had only been married for 2 weeks when we got pregnant with our dear firstborn, Riley Dylan! And to top it off, I was on birth control. It was definitely not what we had planned (OUR plan was to start trying when I turned 24...I just turned 25 last June!), but it was God's plan and it was a great one. Since I had been on birth control, I had started having some weird things go on with my body, little did I know, it was because my body was rejecting the birth control, therefore, it was not working. In August, I started feeling nauseas...all the time. I kept telling Josh that I thought maybe I was pregnant. I even called my mom and asked if that is what you felt like when you were pregnant. Finally, on a Sunday morning, we were at our church in Arlington, TX and the Pastor prayed for the mother that had yet to find out she was pregnant (he didn't know who he was praying for). During the prayer, I leaned over to Josh and said, "That is me!" That day, we got a pregnancy test, and it was positive (and by a pregnancy test, I mean 4!). I then went to the doctor on the UTA campus (we did not have insurance yet) and she did a blood test and confirmed I was pregnant. She was being sort of weird about it, very solemn. I got a huge smile and started ranting about how elated I was...then she looked up and said, "Oh, this is a good thing?" Josh and I said, "Yes! We just got married a couple of months ago and it is a surprise, but we are excited!" Normally, she saw girls that just got knocked up on accident that were not excited about it, so this was a relief for her. Anyways, pretty much the day we found out for sure I was pregnant, the vomiting began...and didn't stop until she was born. It was bad. There was usually not much of a warning, it was right now. Puking became just a part of my normal daily life. I remember the first time I felt Riley kick was when Josh and I were laying in bed one morning and all of the sudden she kicked really hard. I yelled out loud to wake Josh up and let him feel! It was so cool. Riley moved quite a bit, and she was really long. The last month, she was so long that she didn't have enough room for her feet, so she lodged them into my ribs. It was painful. We found out really early that Riley was a girl. It was actually our first sonogram, somewhere around 14 or 15 weeks and as soon as she put the little thing on my belly, Riley opened her legs up. She was just like, here I little social girl! While pregnant with her, I went to school and waited tables at Chili's. I wonder now how I did that being pregnant and so sick. I don't ever remember throwing up at work, but I do remember being sick at school and having to run out of class. I also remember being quite emotional when I was pregnant with Riley. I am not much of an emotional person, so this was a huge shock to me, I would cry at commercials and just about anything! I just wanted to document the things about my pregnancies while I remember some of them!

Aydia singing her ABC's

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Washing the truck

I love that it is getting a little cooler here in Texas! We can do things like this in the evenings!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Top 10 baby names...

Spearmint is hosting a top 10 baby names list, and so I thought that since I am expecting baby #3, it is right up my alley to play along!

Top 10 Girls:
1. Harlow
2. Capri
3. Piper
4. Blair
6. Hazel
7. Macie
8. Eliza
9. Reese
10. Harper

Top 10 Boys:
2. Finn
3. Roman
4. Potter (this was my maiden name!)
5. Mason
6. Cohen
7. Liam
8. Ezekiel
9. Joshua (as a middle name, because it is my husband's name!)
10. Emerson

Depending on what we have, our baby's name is in there! I will reveal our name when we find out what we are having in 2 weeks! (Some of you know, don't spill the beans!).

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Things I have made recently...

These are a few things that I have made lately. Most of them are hand stitched with embroidery floss! I love doing them...there is just something about making things for your kids or your friends kids! It is so special!

This one is for Riley!

I made this one for Aydia!

If we end up having a boy, these will be for him...if not, I will find someone who is having a boy eventually and give them to them!

I made these for a good friend's baby shower that I hosted!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Shopping in your closet...maternity clothes

Today, I am participating in Meredith's

I am especially excited about this because it is on Maternity Clothes...and since I am 4 months pregnant, this is something that is a big part of my life right now! Obviously, I have already been pregnant twice before this, but I gave most of my clothes away...I figured since I wasn't using them, I may as well let others who needed them get some use out of them instead of letting them sit in a box in my attic. Because of this, I am able to get all new clothes this time around! I have friends that have let me borrow A LOT of their stuff (thank you so much!), but they are still new to me! Here are a few of my fav's right now that I have bought!

The day I found out I was pregnant, I saw this dress at Target. My wonderful Josh let me buy it, even though it was more than I would normally spend on a dress, as a congratulations gift! Isn't he sweet! I will honestly probably wear this one more when I am not one has to know right?!

This shirt, my mom made for me to tell Josh's fam that we were expecting baby #3! you may recall, it used to look like this...(I just took the #3 and arrow part off!)

These next 2 are some of my new fav's as well! They are from Ross, $8 each! I love that they are quite baggy, so I can grow into them and wear them most of the time I am pregnant.

I do not like the full coverage belly bands, or the bands that are just on the bottom that go all the way around (they make me feel frumpy for some reason and they just are not comfortable to me), so I was elated when I found these shorts at Sears at 1/2 off, making them only $12! And I just love the cuffed bottom!

These jeans are my favorite find so far! I found these Chip and Pepper jeans at Ross for only $15! Originally, they were $180 jeans...what a steal! They are a little big for me, so I have to wear my bella band over them to hold them up, but I am sure in a few months, they will fit just right! Again, they only have the band in the front, which only goes up to about my belly button!

Friday, September 4, 2009

As Seen At My House!

Josh's g-ma bought us these coffee cups and I love them! I love how colorful they are and they sit together so cutely in their holder on my counter! They are from World Market...I love that place!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday...Riley's spider

I was laying in bed and Riley was up already watching TV. I kept hearing little feet run in and out of the kitchen and the silverware drawer opening and closing. I go to see what is going on, and I find this...her "spider".