Thursday, September 24, 2009

Third pregnancy

So far, with this pregnancy, I feel remarkable better than I did with my first 2. I am not very sick and I have a pretty good energy level. I finally understand why people say they enjoy being pregnant! I started feeling this baby move around 10 weeks. I know it is early, but when you know what it feels like, you know! This baby moves all. the. time. When we had our sonogram, the lady trying to get measurements had a hard time getting them. She actually said these words, "I have never had such an uncooperative baby before! This one is just moving all over the place!" At one point, she was trying to get a measurement of the baby's head and said, "Come on baby, just move your head down just a little bit." Exactly after she said that, the baby looked up, as if it was like, "what did you say to me?!" I was cracking up. At about 17 weeks, Josh felt the baby move! My appetite with this baby is not very big. I eat just about what I did before I was pregnant, some days, less. This is crazy to me, because with the girls, I was SO hungry, it was a "if I don't eat now, I will throw up" sort of hungry. I had a lot of heartburn for a couple of months, but that has seemed to get remarkably better. I am really loving being pregnant this time around! I hope that will continue! I am so thankful to God for allowing me to feel good with this pregnancy. When Josh and I were talking to God about if he wanted us to have another baby or not, I just kept asking God that I would feel good with the pregnancy and that I would be able to care for the girls the way that I needed to. He answered my prayer! I am so thankful. We find out tomorrow if this baby is a boy or girl and I can't wait! We have our guess, but what is yours?