Monday, September 14, 2009

First pregnancy

Oh, my first pregnancy! Josh and I had only been married for 2 weeks when we got pregnant with our dear firstborn, Riley Dylan! And to top it off, I was on birth control. It was definitely not what we had planned (OUR plan was to start trying when I turned 24...I just turned 25 last June!), but it was God's plan and it was a great one. Since I had been on birth control, I had started having some weird things go on with my body, little did I know, it was because my body was rejecting the birth control, therefore, it was not working. In August, I started feeling nauseas...all the time. I kept telling Josh that I thought maybe I was pregnant. I even called my mom and asked if that is what you felt like when you were pregnant. Finally, on a Sunday morning, we were at our church in Arlington, TX and the Pastor prayed for the mother that had yet to find out she was pregnant (he didn't know who he was praying for). During the prayer, I leaned over to Josh and said, "That is me!" That day, we got a pregnancy test, and it was positive (and by a pregnancy test, I mean 4!). I then went to the doctor on the UTA campus (we did not have insurance yet) and she did a blood test and confirmed I was pregnant. She was being sort of weird about it, very solemn. I got a huge smile and started ranting about how elated I was...then she looked up and said, "Oh, this is a good thing?" Josh and I said, "Yes! We just got married a couple of months ago and it is a surprise, but we are excited!" Normally, she saw girls that just got knocked up on accident that were not excited about it, so this was a relief for her. Anyways, pretty much the day we found out for sure I was pregnant, the vomiting began...and didn't stop until she was born. It was bad. There was usually not much of a warning, it was right now. Puking became just a part of my normal daily life. I remember the first time I felt Riley kick was when Josh and I were laying in bed one morning and all of the sudden she kicked really hard. I yelled out loud to wake Josh up and let him feel! It was so cool. Riley moved quite a bit, and she was really long. The last month, she was so long that she didn't have enough room for her feet, so she lodged them into my ribs. It was painful. We found out really early that Riley was a girl. It was actually our first sonogram, somewhere around 14 or 15 weeks and as soon as she put the little thing on my belly, Riley opened her legs up. She was just like, here I little social girl! While pregnant with her, I went to school and waited tables at Chili's. I wonder now how I did that being pregnant and so sick. I don't ever remember throwing up at work, but I do remember being sick at school and having to run out of class. I also remember being quite emotional when I was pregnant with Riley. I am not much of an emotional person, so this was a huge shock to me, I would cry at commercials and just about anything! I just wanted to document the things about my pregnancies while I remember some of them!


Jacci said...

So funny! Almost the exact same story. Robert and I got pregnant 3 weeks after we got married. I went to the UTA campus to get the blood test done too and this little old nurse told me I was pregnant so sad like. She thought I was just some knocked up student too!

Unknown said...

thats an awesome story. and a cuuuuute pic. i have that dress :) i got preg on birth control about 8 months after we got married but ended up losing the baby :( but that made us READY to ahve a baby much earlier than we expected we'd be ready....and now we have a little 4 month old! yay for babieeees!! :)