Sunday, September 7, 2008

Prayer request and life...

Hey everyone! I have a prayer request. Our good friends from Colorado just found out on Friday that their 4 year old has leukemia. As I am sure you can imagine, this is a really rough time for them. Here is the website where you can read their story and see pictures of sweet little Hayden! They are some of our greatest friends and our hearts are really hurting for them. It would mean a great deal to a lot of people if you would pray for them! I am trying to get the word out to as many people as I can (the more prayer warriors, the better!), so I know some of you already got an email about this, but for the rest of you, here it is:
You will have to make an account to view it, but that is no big deal.

Next, we also need prayers for a couple of reasons. First, we are sort of at a rough spot (not like we have not been here for a while!) I just want to ask you to pray that we will continue to have patience with this whole firefighter job and continue to trust in God that he is going to provide for our every needs. The latest on the job is that he is supposed to start around the 22nd of September. We are very thankful the Lord has provided a job! It is slow when you work with the city!
Our other prayer request is, Riley is going to see a urologist on Wed to get tested for ureter reflux. Some of you know that Aydia has this and the urologist has suspicions that Riley may as well since she had a UTI back in May (this was the first opening for the appointment). She is going to have to be put to sleep, then they will put a catheter in and put some dye into her bladder and wait for her to urinate to see where it goes and what it does. She then has a sonogram and then sees the urologist specialist. It will be a really long day, she can't eat or drink all day and I am sure she will be exhausted. I presume she will do REALLY well though! She loves the doctor's office and is SO great when we are there, it will just be tiring for her...and us for that matter! There is a small chance that if she has it, it may have to be fixed with surgery and if she does end up having it, they both may need to have surgery, so this is a pretty important test. I will update the results! It may be a little while, our internet and cable is about to be turned off so I will have to come over to the in-law's to get on the internet! Thanks everyone!


Super Mom said...

Jo I totally understand the job thing and waiting for and trusting God. It is hard but hang in there because from experience I can tell you God is faithful to his word to provide for our every need.
I will be praying for your family and for Riley.

Jacci said...

Hang in there mama. We'll be praying for you guys, especially Riley. I hope everything turns out OK.