Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Random Fall Happenings!

Fall is such a busy time for us, so sorry the blogging has been so lame! Between fall activities, finally being able to go outside because it isn't 100+ degrees, birthday's, school, holiday's, I seem to be struggling to find time to do things...not just blogging, but cleaning the house, doing the laundry, dishes, those sorts of things too! Blogging gets a major backseat and seems to only get done once everything else is done, so since my dishes are washing, here you are...a totally random blog of our most recent activities! Enjoy! And if you are reading, leave a comment so I know someone wants me to continue to blog! Hehe!

Josh has had a lot of Pipe and Drum performances, so I got a pic of him in his outfit! I think he looks pretty cute!

Zeke in his bow tie!

Zeke's friend Lucy came over to play! They are only one day apart!

This is a picture from their first playdate...they were only a few weeks old!

We had a birthday party that was a costume theme!

The girls got these glasses in their Sonic kids meals (why do they have to give such lame toys? When we were kids, they toys were awesome!) and they wanted their picture taken and of course, wanted Zeke to be in it and he did not want it!

The boy learned how to pull up! This was when he had just woken up for the day!

1 comment:

Re said...

I like reading your blog Jonah!