In September, we found out we were expecting baby #4! We were very surprised about this news as we thought we were done having kids...we were literally 4 weeks away from Josh having a vasectomy! After the initial shock, we were very excited!
This photo is what we used to tell Josh's family!

To tell the social media world, we used this photo!

October was Halloween! I did not go trick or treating, I guess I wasn't feeling well. Josh took the kids, so I don't have great photos of them. I have one from a Trunk or Treat we helped with at our was bright and they weren't being very cooperative so I just took what I got! Riley was Supergirl, Aydia was Barbie pop star, and Zeke was a firefighter! I dressed up as an Indian!

November, Zeke got a big boy bed! This bed was his Uncle Andrew's bed when he was a kid!

Of course, also in November we had Thanksgiving over at Carol's house!
December, of course we had Christmas! It was a fun one this year. All the kids understand and enjoy it! My family came out and that was of course a blast! While they were here, we did a big "gender reveal party" for our close friends and family! Josh and I had known for a few weeks what this baby was and had been keeping it in! It was great to get to tell! We also went to Madagascar on Ice!

The photo of Riley is awesome! She wanted a boy sooooo bad! She was so excited!

That wraps it up for 2012!!!
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