I have obviously had to be doing a lot of preparing to have this new sweet boy in our house! I am 37 weeks, full term, and he can come any day now! As I have mentioned before, I had some pre-term labor issues and started progressing at 33 weeks. Bed rest helped and at my 36 week appointment, hadn't progressed too much more! 36 weeks, I was 90% effaced and 1cm dilated. Our goal of course was to get to 37 weeks and we have! I am so thankful! I have been having a lot of pains and early labor symptoms. I am really hoping this means he is coming soon...I am so ready to meet him and be done with this pregnancy...it has been one of a kind for sure! Because we live in a smallish 3 bedroom house, Ezra will be bunking in our room for a while and then will eventually share a room with Zeke! We set up this little dresser with his stuff in it in our room.

While I was on bed rest, there wasn't a ton I could do, but I did manage to make and do a few things! I made a blanket, burp rags, potato printed some onesies, and sterilized pacifiers.

During the 4 weeks I was on more serious bed rest and doing this a lot...

Josh had to take on a lot. He did a great job taking over and taking care of us all. It was very difficult for me to have to not do anything and not help out. The kids learned to be quite helpful and sometimes, things got a little out of hand...

All in all, he did awesome!
Needless to say, it was great to hit full term and start being able to be up and in the land of the living! We got the car seat in the car and bags packed. We have also been doing some walking to try and encourage Ezra to come on and join us out here!!! This photo of me is at 36 weeks.

Last night, we celebrated hitting full term and went on our last date before this baby gets here. We got pedicures, went to dinner, and attempted to go sit on a blanket at the park with ice cream, but sitting there was so uncomfortable for me we left after a few min!

1 comment:
Hi Jo! My name is Lauren Stewart, and I believe we met briefly at Northwest COC (Devin Stewart is my hubby!). Through some blogs that we both follow, I happened upon yours! Just wanted to say hey and congrats on your soon-to-be-here baby :)
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