In February, Zeke turned 3! We went to Chuck E. Cheese with a bunch of his little friends! We took him to Build A Bear where he built his football penguin named Tux! He is all into sports, dinosaurs, superhero's, cars...all the typical boy stuff!

Back when all the flu craziness was happening toward the end of January, we got an offer on our house. Because Josh was soooo sick, he was pretty much totally out of commission so I was dealing with it all myself. We entered into our option period into February and had to leave so many times during that 10 days for inspections, appraisals, they had specialists come in. We were constantly in and out because of all this. 3 hours before our option period ended, the buyers terminated the contract. It was devastating. We were so confused. A few days after that, I began having contractions at just 27 weeks. I was sent to the hospital and ended up being put on bed rest for 4 weeks. Now that all that has passed, I am very thankful we didn't sell the house and when I went on bed rest, we took the house off the market, which was right at the end of February. It was such a relief to not have to keep the house "show ready" which was just getting more and more difficult the more and more pregnant I got.

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