Well, Riley is 4! I seriously can't believe it. I have a 4 year old, that makes me feel old! I have so enjoyed being able to be the mother of Riley for the last 4 years! She is great! These days, Riley is loving acting like a little mommy. Since we have had her baby brother 7 weeks ago, she sure has taken on a little mommy role, with both him and Aydia! It is more ok with Zeke than it is Aydia! She is quite responsible and remembers everything. Literally, I can ask her to remind me of something later, and she will! She loves people and is very social. She loves to be with her friends and family! She can be quite hard headed, yet sensitive a lot of the time too! I really enjoy her age. She is full of energy. She climbs and jumps all the time. She would rather run than walk! I remember when she was 9 months old, she started walking, the next week, she was running! Although, I have to say, she doesn't run away from me, she is pretty good about staying with me when we are out places...must be that responsible side to her! She has learned to reason very well...too well sometimes! She loves anything girly...flowers, pink and purple, princess everything, dresses and skirts (the most girly ones you can find), make-up, seriously, anything girly! She is obsessed with weddings lately. She talks about getting married one day, and asks questions about our wedding. She looks at our wedding book all the time and asks me to wear my hair like that again one day! She also talks about having babies. She says she wants a baby when she is older, and she says I can name her baby for her because I like to name babies...I am not sure where she came up with that! I told her that if her and her husband decide they want me to name their baby, I will...she said, no, you can just name my baby! She loves to color coordinate her outfits...for example, if you wear pink pants, you must wear a pink shirt, and pink shoes! She is wonderful! Happy 4th Birthday, Riley!
Here are some pictures of my sweet little goofball!

loving those pictures! happy birthday to her!
It was good to finally meet you the other day!! Hopefully we will see each other again soon :)
I loved reading your blog!! I love Riley!! She is wonderful (and so are the rest of you!) I am facinated by how much kids love life. Mr. Carter worded it humorously in chapel one day--they're just happy to be on the planet. Children just have a special quality that way, and Riley sure is a joy to know!! --mamaP
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