Well, as you can tell by my lack of blogging, life with 3 kids is BUSY!!! Well, especially life with 3 kids under 4 (but only under 4 for a couple more weeks!). The girls are adjusting really well! We had a bit of an issue with Aydia for a couple of weeks, but she seems to be doing much better! They both love their brother to death! It is really cute to watch! Zeke is a good baby! He loves to be held and snuggled, which I wanted! He will probably be our last baby, so I really wanted a baby that wanted me to hold him and snuggle him a lot! Sometimes, it can be a bit challenging, like when I need to cook dinner, or wipe a poopy butt, or like right now as I am trying to blog and hold him AND make him happy at the same time! He does not like me to be doing anything else while I am holding him, he wants all the attention to be on me holding him! He is a pretty good sleeper, generally after he wakes up to eat at night, he goes back to sleep (last night was a different story!). He is gaining weight like a champ! He already weighs 11 lbs 15 oz!
Josh has finished paramedic school! This is a HUGE relief! I have mentioned before, but while he was in school, he was gone for his normal 24 hr shift, then went straight to school the next day until 4:30pm, so he was gone a lot! It will be nice to have him back!
My sister, Re and my childhood best friend, Emily came out to visit and meet Zeke, so there are some pictures of that. Josh's grandma, Madee also came up to meet him!

Such sweet pictures! I hope I can meet little Zeke soon, and see the girls! They have grown so much! Take care!
glad to hear the girls are adjusting nicely!! they are so beautiful together!
love the pics in the slings...he looks to snug and cozy :)
Love the photos!!
Awww! Lots of fav pics in here--you kissing Zeke, him looking at you, you and Re together...lots of goodies in this blog :)
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