Anyways, enough of a pity party for me. One day Josh and I both had doctor's appointments, so we took turns with the girls. I took them to Chick Fil A and took these pictures!
On another note, the inspection on our house went really good. The electrical work is pretty old and not up to code. We asked them to fix it and they came back and said they would give us $1000.00 cash, so we are going to take it. Josh has a friend who said he could do it for us for just the cost of the materials, so that helps! Next we close on the 17th and then move in! I am SO excited! I am so ready to live in our own house and just be the 4 of us! It has been WAY too long! I am not very good at waiting when there is a new transition in our lives about to happen...that in between time is difficult for me, so that is what will be going on with me the next 2 weeks or so! If anyone wants to help us move, let me will be on the 19th!
My fam is coming to town for Christmas and I am so excited! They will get to hang with us at our new place! Couldn't have worked out any better! I just looked at pictures of the Potter Thanksgiving, and it kinda made me sad...I miss them. Especially around the holidays. Don't get me wrong, I have TONS of fun with the Brock's, it is just that I spent 20 years of holidays with the Potter's and so I miss them around these times! Love you guys!
So, we have a plethera of ants here at this house we are in. It is annoying. I find them everywhere. I want to scream curse words at them and I want them all to die. What is their purpose? To make people miserable? I am pretty convinced it is.
Josh is off today, so I am excited for that. He works again tom, so if anyone wants to hang, let me know!
i think we deserve to throw pitty parties for ourselves every once in a while. i feel increasingly worn out every day scarlett gets older so you inspire me doing it with two. :) congrats on the house! that's so exciting! hope aydia starts feeling better...for her and for you!
Thanks for coming to Eli's party today!!
yea for a new house!!!!
and yea for Chik-fil-a (that is NOT mcdonalds) and is good for kids and parents alike!!
oh, and does Mckmama REALLY visit your blog?!?
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