Meds for the girls and us. And some Mrs. Meyer's cleaning supplies for the new house! Super excited about them! Oh, and a Christmas gift!

Christmas Shopping!

The "Big D" hit both the girls...
Lunch! A totally good way to pass an hour! Grilled Cheese and Apple Juice!

Oh, it's back...
Bought the wrong!

AHHHH, seriously, back again...I do not want to wipe another butt...of course, I will...
Get in the car. Riley is coughing and wheezing really bad. Call Josh..."what do I do?" "Bring her up here, we can check her out." What, free health care! Ok! Here we go...

She had to get a breathing treatment. Of course, we can't go see daddy without seeing the fire truck, jumping on daddy's bed, looking in his locker, eating some candy, and hanging out with the guys.
Home, nap, dinner, bed! Pretty successful/productive day.
What did you do today?
haha I enjoyed this one, it was cute=) I love the pics of the bathroom and old navy...original.
What did I do today? lets see....
woke up at 6:30, didn't get UP until 6:45, took shower, got dressed, grabbed a piece of breakfast bread and headed out the to school at 7:30-then, had to stand in the cafeteria for 30 minutes telling kids to hurry up and eat their breakfast/stop talking/sit here/not there/put up your tray, etc.
Then 8am-I get one hour of silence to myself. But of course it goes by too quickly.
9am-my 3rd graders come in....they are always a delight, we sing christmas songs, they do good-they're out the door.
10-4th grade come-yikes!!! they are crazy-ready for Christmas break-won't stop talking, talking, talking. Teacher picks them up late-so then 5th grade walks in right after them
11-5th grade, another crazy class that is SO hyper b/c they are testing today....all they wanna do is have 'fun' in music, not learn....ugh
finally they left-20min for lunch.
12:2-kinder kids is already crying. he won't participate b/c he's mad at what happened earlier that day. Then another starts crying b/c we sang a song ab mommy and daddy....then another decided to start crying b/c they miss their mommy and daddy---yikes! ok, they leave
1-1st grade about hyper-we just danced and sang songs b/c they were out of control
2-2nd grade comes-its the end of the day, they know it....i know it,....nobody wants to learn..they talk talk talk and complain complain and then finally they left!!!
Now, this is NOT a typical day, it usually goes much smoother and more pleasant-but this is what happens when it gets close to christmas! yeesh. so i feel your pain, in a different way, but still=)
(ps whoa that was long...sorry)!
Great post! Love the clips...a perfect way to express a busy/hectic/normal day of a mom!
I unfortunately enjoyed and chuckled and all your bathroom stops, sorry, that was probably rough. I slept all day tuesday. Nice you may think but I delivered 3 babies that night. =) oh and that video you put on facebook... definitly an keeper!
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