Friday, September 12, 2008

Ri's doctor visit

Well, as expected, Riley does have ureter refulx. It is not as bad as Aydia's though! She just has to be on some medication and the doc thinks it will fix itself! We go back in 1 year and do the same test!
Today has been sort of a frustrating day. One of those days where nothing goes how you plan it to. Riley has been fighting her nap for 2 1/2 what fun that is! I eventually just put her in a pack and play and I am just not going to deal with it anymore...she can stay in there all day until she takes a nap. Ahhhhhh...I feel like screaming.
I have Aydia on my lap right now doing acrobats...where did she get this adventure? She is standing up on my lap trying not to hold onto my arms...she is cracking me up! She is definitely my cautious child and I am quite surprised that she is doing this!
Here is some good news! Josh officially starts work as a firefighter on September 22! This is hilarious. I can't remember if I already told this or not, but we were waiting for a call for weeks about when he would start and finally last week, he got a call from the HR lady and she said, "Hey Josh, I am sorry it has taken so long for me to call you. I have been sick and told my assistant to get you set up with a drug test and a physical and she sent you to the wrong place, so now I need you to drive 2 hours away tomorrow and do this. You would have already started work if she would have done this the right way!" Wow! Isn't that special...maybe your assistant needs to be fired! So, he takes the physical and gets a call on Tuesday and the Captain says, "Well, we now just need your physical to be signed off by our doctor saying you are healthy, but he is out of town." Seriously? Sweet! They went ahead and gave him his official offer and start date contingent on them getting a doc to sign the physical by the 22nd! It never goes as planned does it? Oh well!
Man, this flip-flop nap thing is so not my style...I just want 1 hour to myself...
So, I have been thinking of ways to save money and have been thinking of trying cloth diapers...anyone have any experience or advice on that? Some of the other ways I am going to do this is, make my own soap and laundry is actually pretty easy! I already make my own shampoo...and my hair has been so much less greasy and doesn't fall out all day long! That's pretty cool! Anyways, this blog session has been my attempt at 5 minutes for myself...not working out so well with a child crawling all over me, so this is it for now!


Re said...

How do you make your own shampoo? I really want to know.

Jacci said...

ha. i was going to ask the exact same do you make your own shampoo??

April said...


I own Green Baby Diaper Service in Rockwall, and if you are interested in cloth diapers, I can help you. I'm available this Saturday if you want to get together. I can come to you, or you can come to me, either way. I'll show you how you can save the most money, and other options as well. Call me if you are interested, or send me an email. My number is 972-722-1294. My website is
