Sunday, September 28, 2008

25 things you may not have known about me!

1) Wigs creep me out (same with chunks of hair on the floor).
2) I am terrified of spiders.
3) I am honest and blunt.
4) I can not stand close mindedness.
5) I love vanilla coke.
6) i wanted boys my whole life, I love my girls and would not have it any other way!
7) I can't stand drama...yet love reality tv!
8) I did not enjoy being pregnant, for the most part.
9) I want to go to cosmetology school.
10) Pizza is my favorite!
11) I was not very girly until I gave birth to two girls!
12) I once talked on the phone for 9 hours Josh!
13) I am a size 10-11 shoe!
14) I cut my own hair most of the time and I cut the girls hair.
15) I love monkey's!
16) We are starting to "go green" in ways and I am excited about it!
17) I desperately want to be creative and make lots of things, yet don't have much patience for it.
18) I am an organizer/planner/list maker...I thrive on it!
19) I love simple and easy.
20) I can't stand it when the house is a wreck.
21) I don't mind cleaning (hence why I get paid for it)!
22) I clean when I am mad.
23) I would rather spend time with my husband than any of my friends...sorry guys!
24) The worst sound in the world to me is children screaming at the top of their lungs...I despise it royally.
25) I crave alone time...every day!

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