1) Wigs creep me out (same with chunks of hair on the floor).
2) I am terrified of spiders.
3) I am honest and blunt.
4) I can not stand close mindedness.
5) I love vanilla coke.
6) i wanted boys my whole life, I love my girls and would not have it any other way!
7) I can't stand drama...yet love reality tv!
8) I did not enjoy being pregnant, for the most part.
9) I want to go to cosmetology school.
10) Pizza is my favorite!
11) I was not very girly until I gave birth to two girls!
12) I once talked on the phone for 9 hours straight...to Josh!
13) I am a size 10-11 shoe!
14) I cut my own hair most of the time and I cut the girls hair.
15) I love monkey's!
16) We are starting to "go green" in ways and I am excited about it!
17) I desperately want to be creative and make lots of things, yet don't have much patience for it.
18) I am an organizer/planner/list maker...I thrive on it!
19) I love simple and easy.
20) I can't stand it when the house is a wreck.
21) I don't mind cleaning (hence why I get paid for it)!
22) I clean when I am mad.
23) I would rather spend time with my husband than any of my friends...sorry guys!
24) The worst sound in the world to me is children screaming at the top of their lungs...I despise it royally.
25) I crave alone time...every day!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Show me your kissy face!
We took the girls to Sea World last weekend! It was their bday gift from Nonnie and Pop and we just finally got around to taking them! They had so much fun...we all did! You know mommy was lovin it just as much as the kids were! I have the pictures on a CD and have not put them on the computer yet, but I will! We saw all the shows and the girls were so hilarious, just another testament to how opposite they are. Riley was silent and just watched and every once in a while she would raise her hand over her mouth and Aydia was NO STOP talking. They crack me up! We got to pet and feed dolphins! That was super sweet! They feel like wet leather! We already decided we are going to go back next year...anyone want to come with us?
So, I got to go on a ladies retreat this weekend! It was awesome! So much fun! I got to talk to a lot of people I normally would not get to, so that was cool! I am tired from staying up until 2 am, but it was worth it...all you ladies that were there, holla! (I am a nerd).
Josh is officially a Rowlett Firefighter! He just finished his first week of orientation and went out on a couple of calls this week! He has his first shift tomorrow! It is just awesome to see your husband finally doing something he loves! He has worked so hard for this and it is awesome that he is doing it! God is so awesome for working it all out so fast...it was only a year ago that he decided this was what he wanted to do. All in a year, he got accepted to school, went through fire school, EMT school, applied for TONS of departments, got hired and started working! God is awesome!
This is what the girls do when we ask for a kiss...their kissy faces!

So, I got to go on a ladies retreat this weekend! It was awesome! So much fun! I got to talk to a lot of people I normally would not get to, so that was cool! I am tired from staying up until 2 am, but it was worth it...all you ladies that were there, holla! (I am a nerd).
Josh is officially a Rowlett Firefighter! He just finished his first week of orientation and went out on a couple of calls this week! He has his first shift tomorrow! It is just awesome to see your husband finally doing something he loves! He has worked so hard for this and it is awesome that he is doing it! God is so awesome for working it all out so fast...it was only a year ago that he decided this was what he wanted to do. All in a year, he got accepted to school, went through fire school, EMT school, applied for TONS of departments, got hired and started working! God is awesome!
This is what the girls do when we ask for a kiss...their kissy faces!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Well, it has been a long couple of days. Riley has a stomach virus. We spent 8 hours on Sunday in the ER due to dehydration. She had had diarrhea for 5 days and then on Saturday, it was REALLY bad and I called the doctor and she said to make sure she was drinking a lot and told me the signs of dehydration and said that if there were any changes such as blood or vomiting, go to the ER. So, 4 am she vomits all over herself and her bed...poor girl. We pop her in the bathtub, get everyone dressed and off we are to the ER. Josh's parents came and picked Aydia up at the hospital, so that was awesome! She is such a little trooper though and just let the doc's and nurses do their thing and laid in that bed for 5 hours to let the fluid get to her! We have all been a little sleep deprived and are trying to catch up! Riley is feeling a lot better though!
To add to all of this, Aydia is getting 4 teeth...yes, 4! Why my kids can't get them one at a time, I don't know. She was awake a bunch last night saying, "Tees, owie, mommy. My tees owie." It was sad. Lots of fussiness and falling down happening for her. That has got to hurt.
Countdown to Josh starting work...6 days! YESSSSSS!
Have you seen the new water babies? I am pretty stoked! I really want the girls to have some. I LOVED my water baby. I remember my sister's and I were snooping around at my grandma's house looking for our christmas gifts and we came across 3 boxes with water babies in them and we were so excited and we went downstairs and asked her if they were for us (like we thought it would be ok with her that we were snooping?) and she told us they were for some other kids and we were devastated. They were for us though...man, we were easily tricked!

Oh, so a couple of you have asked about my shampoo...it is sort of weird, but I use baking soda and ACV. Here is a website for it. I have been doing it for a month and my hair is less greasy and doesn't fall out as much as it did before (does that happen to other people?). I mean really, I could save all the hair that I shed and make a wig for someone that doesn't have hair...maybe I should...oh, that's nasty...if you didn't know, wigs creep me out...yuck. Anyways, I really like what it has done for my hair!
Let me know if you try it and what you think if you do!
To add to all of this, Aydia is getting 4 teeth...yes, 4! Why my kids can't get them one at a time, I don't know. She was awake a bunch last night saying, "Tees, owie, mommy. My tees owie." It was sad. Lots of fussiness and falling down happening for her. That has got to hurt.
Countdown to Josh starting work...6 days! YESSSSSS!
Have you seen the new water babies? I am pretty stoked! I really want the girls to have some. I LOVED my water baby. I remember my sister's and I were snooping around at my grandma's house looking for our christmas gifts and we came across 3 boxes with water babies in them and we were so excited and we went downstairs and asked her if they were for us (like we thought it would be ok with her that we were snooping?) and she told us they were for some other kids and we were devastated. They were for us though...man, we were easily tricked!

Oh, so a couple of you have asked about my shampoo...it is sort of weird, but I use baking soda and ACV. Here is a website for it. I have been doing it for a month and my hair is less greasy and doesn't fall out as much as it did before (does that happen to other people?). I mean really, I could save all the hair that I shed and make a wig for someone that doesn't have hair...maybe I should...oh, that's nasty...if you didn't know, wigs creep me out...yuck. Anyways, I really like what it has done for my hair!
Let me know if you try it and what you think if you do!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Ri's doctor visit
Well, as expected, Riley does have ureter refulx. It is not as bad as Aydia's though! She just has to be on some medication and the doc thinks it will fix itself! We go back in 1 year and do the same test!
Today has been sort of a frustrating day. One of those days where nothing goes how you plan it to. Riley has been fighting her nap for 2 1/2 hours...man what fun that is! I eventually just put her in a pack and play and I am just not going to deal with it anymore...she can stay in there all day until she takes a nap. Ahhhhhh...I feel like screaming.
I have Aydia on my lap right now doing acrobats...where did she get this adventure? She is standing up on my lap trying not to hold onto my arms...she is cracking me up! She is definitely my cautious child and I am quite surprised that she is doing this!
Here is some good news! Josh officially starts work as a firefighter on September 22! This is hilarious. I can't remember if I already told this or not, but we were waiting for a call for weeks about when he would start and finally last week, he got a call from the HR lady and she said, "Hey Josh, I am sorry it has taken so long for me to call you. I have been sick and told my assistant to get you set up with a drug test and a physical and she sent you to the wrong place, so now I need you to drive 2 hours away tomorrow and do this. You would have already started work if she would have done this the right way!" Wow! Isn't that special...maybe your assistant needs to be fired! So, he takes the physical and gets a call on Tuesday and the Captain says, "Well, we now just need your physical to be signed off by our doctor saying you are healthy, but he is out of town." Seriously? Sweet! They went ahead and gave him his official offer and start date contingent on them getting a doc to sign the physical by the 22nd! It never goes as planned does it? Oh well!
Man, this flip-flop nap thing is so not my style...I just want 1 hour to myself...
So, I have been thinking of ways to save money and have been thinking of trying cloth diapers...anyone have any experience or advice on that? Some of the other ways I am going to do this is, make my own soap and laundry detergent...it is actually pretty easy! I already make my own shampoo...and my hair has been so much less greasy and doesn't fall out all day long! That's pretty cool! Anyways, this blog session has been my attempt at 5 minutes for myself...not working out so well with a child crawling all over me, so this is it for now!
Today has been sort of a frustrating day. One of those days where nothing goes how you plan it to. Riley has been fighting her nap for 2 1/2 hours...man what fun that is! I eventually just put her in a pack and play and I am just not going to deal with it anymore...she can stay in there all day until she takes a nap. Ahhhhhh...I feel like screaming.
I have Aydia on my lap right now doing acrobats...where did she get this adventure? She is standing up on my lap trying not to hold onto my arms...she is cracking me up! She is definitely my cautious child and I am quite surprised that she is doing this!
Here is some good news! Josh officially starts work as a firefighter on September 22! This is hilarious. I can't remember if I already told this or not, but we were waiting for a call for weeks about when he would start and finally last week, he got a call from the HR lady and she said, "Hey Josh, I am sorry it has taken so long for me to call you. I have been sick and told my assistant to get you set up with a drug test and a physical and she sent you to the wrong place, so now I need you to drive 2 hours away tomorrow and do this. You would have already started work if she would have done this the right way!" Wow! Isn't that special...maybe your assistant needs to be fired! So, he takes the physical and gets a call on Tuesday and the Captain says, "Well, we now just need your physical to be signed off by our doctor saying you are healthy, but he is out of town." Seriously? Sweet! They went ahead and gave him his official offer and start date contingent on them getting a doc to sign the physical by the 22nd! It never goes as planned does it? Oh well!
Man, this flip-flop nap thing is so not my style...I just want 1 hour to myself...
So, I have been thinking of ways to save money and have been thinking of trying cloth diapers...anyone have any experience or advice on that? Some of the other ways I am going to do this is, make my own soap and laundry detergent...it is actually pretty easy! I already make my own shampoo...and my hair has been so much less greasy and doesn't fall out all day long! That's pretty cool! Anyways, this blog session has been my attempt at 5 minutes for myself...not working out so well with a child crawling all over me, so this is it for now!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Prayer request and life...
Hey everyone! I have a prayer request. Our good friends from Colorado just found out on Friday that their 4 year old has leukemia. As I am sure you can imagine, this is a really rough time for them. Here is the website where you can read their story and see pictures of sweet little Hayden! They are some of our greatest friends and our hearts are really hurting for them. It would mean a great deal to a lot of people if you would pray for them! I am trying to get the word out to as many people as I can (the more prayer warriors, the better!), so I know some of you already got an email about this, but for the rest of you, here it is: www.carepages.com/carepages/HaydenMajor
You will have to make an account to view it, but that is no big deal.
Next, we also need prayers for a couple of reasons. First, we are sort of at a rough spot (not like we have not been here for a while!) I just want to ask you to pray that we will continue to have patience with this whole firefighter job and continue to trust in God that he is going to provide for our every needs. The latest on the job is that he is supposed to start around the 22nd of September. We are very thankful the Lord has provided a job! It is slow when you work with the city!
Our other prayer request is, Riley is going to see a urologist on Wed to get tested for ureter reflux. Some of you know that Aydia has this and the urologist has suspicions that Riley may as well since she had a UTI back in May (this was the first opening for the appointment). She is going to have to be put to sleep, then they will put a catheter in and put some dye into her bladder and wait for her to urinate to see where it goes and what it does. She then has a sonogram and then sees the urologist specialist. It will be a really long day, she can't eat or drink all day and I am sure she will be exhausted. I presume she will do REALLY well though! She loves the doctor's office and is SO great when we are there, it will just be tiring for her...and us for that matter! There is a small chance that if she has it, it may have to be fixed with surgery and if she does end up having it, they both may need to have surgery, so this is a pretty important test. I will update the results! It may be a little while, our internet and cable is about to be turned off so I will have to come over to the in-law's to get on the internet! Thanks everyone!
You will have to make an account to view it, but that is no big deal.
Next, we also need prayers for a couple of reasons. First, we are sort of at a rough spot (not like we have not been here for a while!) I just want to ask you to pray that we will continue to have patience with this whole firefighter job and continue to trust in God that he is going to provide for our every needs. The latest on the job is that he is supposed to start around the 22nd of September. We are very thankful the Lord has provided a job! It is slow when you work with the city!
Our other prayer request is, Riley is going to see a urologist on Wed to get tested for ureter reflux. Some of you know that Aydia has this and the urologist has suspicions that Riley may as well since she had a UTI back in May (this was the first opening for the appointment). She is going to have to be put to sleep, then they will put a catheter in and put some dye into her bladder and wait for her to urinate to see where it goes and what it does. She then has a sonogram and then sees the urologist specialist. It will be a really long day, she can't eat or drink all day and I am sure she will be exhausted. I presume she will do REALLY well though! She loves the doctor's office and is SO great when we are there, it will just be tiring for her...and us for that matter! There is a small chance that if she has it, it may have to be fixed with surgery and if she does end up having it, they both may need to have surgery, so this is a pretty important test. I will update the results! It may be a little while, our internet and cable is about to be turned off so I will have to come over to the in-law's to get on the internet! Thanks everyone!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Hey, I finally got around to making my blog private! The reason I did this is because there is a chance that my identity may have been stolen by someone in this random city in Ohio...thanks to mapstats, I know that someone from that city has been reading my blog. Maybe this person reading was a friend of a friend and not the person that may have stolen my identity, but it was all just a little too odd and probably not just a coincidence! So, I got a little nervous and decided just to go private just to make sure this never happens! It is way too scary when there are kids involved. And of course, if you know me, you know that I went to the extreme and got nervous that someone out there is pretending to be me and reading my blog and pretending to live my life and that they would soon become obsessed with me and try to come find me and so on...I know, a little far! I am just crazy!
Anyways, some of the latest things in our life are, Josh is going tomorrow to take his drug test and physical test for Rowlett and if he passes, they say he should start around the 22nd of September. Sort of disappointing, we have NO money and really don't want to have to borrow anymore and were hopeful that he would have started by now, but the HR lady has been out of town and sick and her assistant apparently didn't know what she was doing and so it pushed everything back about 3 weeks. Oh well!
The girls are good! Nothing really new, just as cute and sweet as ever! Here is a picture of them in their gear from Peru!

Well, I guess that is it for now! Everyone have a good weekend!
Anyways, some of the latest things in our life are, Josh is going tomorrow to take his drug test and physical test for Rowlett and if he passes, they say he should start around the 22nd of September. Sort of disappointing, we have NO money and really don't want to have to borrow anymore and were hopeful that he would have started by now, but the HR lady has been out of town and sick and her assistant apparently didn't know what she was doing and so it pushed everything back about 3 weeks. Oh well!
The girls are good! Nothing really new, just as cute and sweet as ever! Here is a picture of them in their gear from Peru!
Well, I guess that is it for now! Everyone have a good weekend!
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