On May 9th, we had family/friends night at Josh's school. It was so much fun. We got to watch them put out 3 fires and rip apart a car with the Jaws of Life. It was just so cool to get to see what Josh has been doing and learning the past 16 weeks! The first fire we watched was a car fire and one of the ladies who is a fire fighter told us that it was 3400 degrees and Josh and his fellow men were literally next to it, plus they had all their gear on. We were sitting probably 50 feet away from it and it was so hot on our faces, I can't imagine what it felt like to all of them. The girls had a lot of fun watching! Riley kept saying, "Look, it's daddy with all of his friends!" It was so cute! Here are some pictures of the night!
This is the car fire...the 3400 degree one! My hot and sexy fireman!
hi there! thanks so much for commenting... you have two precious daughters! i love the proud pictures of them at the firestation with daddy... so sweet!
Thanks for your comment! I'm glad to have some honest people who read something and feel differently than the majority who responded and instead of walking away, take the time to point it out. I responded to your comment on my blog and I'm truly interested in your reply. Thanks again.
That's why one of the very first things I said in my post was that I was not referring to all black women, only a certain type of black woman. I was not saying that they are bad, or ugly, or horrible people. Just that they're forwardness and attitude intimidates me. Perhaps there are white women capable of the same forwardness and attitude, but that hasn't been my personal experience. Many people seem to understand exactly what kind of woman I am talking about I'm sorry that point was lost on you. You're comments make me wonder though...is it also racist when people say that black men make great athletes?? Or that white people can't dance? Or that Asians get good grades? These are stereotypes that our country creates and reinforces. I don't feel my observation was any different and I certainly don't believe it makes me racist.
hi there! thanks so much for commenting... you have two precious daughters! i love the proud pictures of them at the firestation with daddy... so sweet!
hey! glad you found us! robert was excited when i told him. he wanted to know where y'all live? your daughters are adorable!
Thanks for your comment! I'm glad to have some honest people who read something and feel differently than the majority who responded and instead of walking away, take the time to point it out. I responded to your comment on my blog and I'm truly interested in your reply. Thanks again.
I was blog surfing and found your blog. My husband is a firefighter captain in CA! Fun. I plan on stopping by again. :)
That's why one of the very first things I said in my post was that I was not referring to all black women, only a certain type of black woman. I was not saying that they are bad, or ugly, or horrible people. Just that they're forwardness and attitude intimidates me. Perhaps there are white women capable of the same forwardness and attitude, but that hasn't been my personal experience. Many people seem to understand exactly what kind of woman I am talking about I'm sorry that point was lost on you. You're comments make me wonder though...is it also racist when people say that black men make great athletes?? Or that white people can't dance? Or that Asians get good grades? These are stereotypes that our country creates and reinforces. I don't feel my observation was any different and I certainly don't believe it makes me racist.
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