Zeke, you had your 2 month appointment last week! You are 14.6 lbs! You are off the charts in your weight, you love to eat! You are short, chubby, and have a little head (you get that small head from me!). You are so much fun right now! You smile all the time! You smile and me, dad, and your sisters the most! You talk a lot! It is adorable! You always smile and talk to these crosses I have hanging above our bed...I am not sure why, but you love them! You stare at curtains and fans! You are a good sleeper. You have slept from 9 or 10, until 4 or 5 the last 4 nights in a row, and then go right back to sleep until 7 or 8! You nap a lot during the day as long as we are home. When we are out, you want to be awake and see what is going on! You really only cry if you are tired or need to burp or if we put you down! You love to be held! Even when you are hungry, you are starting to just get fussy and kind of look at me with an upset face and talk to me! It is like you are saying, "Mom, I am so hungry, feed me already!" Oh, you cry...actually scream (that is the red faced scream you will see in the picture below) when you are in your car seat...you hate it, unless we are moving, but as soon as we stop, you are screaming, even if we are just stopped at a light! You are very loved!
You get so red faced mad...

...and then so sweet!

Me and my boy! I love him!

He loves to be worn!

My big, sweet, strong, crazy eyed boy!

love him!!
I will have a playdate for you soon zeke!!
He is really big and really cute!!! :)
I love your little write up on that handsome boy! He's wonderful, for sure, as are all of you!!
He is the cutest thing ever with that little blonde mohawk!!
He is such a little Brock! So, so cute! And, I always love the birthday parties that you plan for the girls!
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