Thursday, February 11, 2010

He's here!

Sorry I have been out for a while, I have a good reason! We had a baby! I am going to share the birth story and then some pics! Friday and Saturday I felt like crap. I felt like I had the flu, but didn't have a fever. I knew it was pre-labor stuff going on. Sunday morning, I woke up feeling much better! I began having contractions, very mild, and not tim-eable around 9am. They lasted all day, but nothing serious or different than anything that I had had before in this pregnancy. Around 6 pm, we were at Josh's parents house for family dinner and I noticed that I was leaking some fluid. I called my midwife and she said it was probably just part of my mucus plug. I kept leaking for 2 hours and around 7:30, started having some pretty serious contractions. We decided to go ahead and head home because I was in pain. My contractions were not time-able then either, they were anywhere from 1-4 min apart. That was confusing me, but I went ahead and called my midwife again to tell her I was still leaking fluid. She said it was probably my water and to call when we wanted to head up to the hospital. We were actually already in the car and turned around to drop the girls back off at Josh's parents house. We went home to get the rest of our stuff and it hit hard. The contractions were out. of. control and really close together. We decided to go ahead and go to the hospital and called my midwife at 9:15 pm and said we were on our way. We got to the hospital at 9:45 pm, they checked me and I was 6 cm dilated. From then on, it got really intense, my contractions were 1-2 min apart. Josh was trying to fill up the pool and I was sitting on the birthing ball with my midwife next to me helping me through the contractions. It was probably around 10:40 pm when the contractions were pretty much non-stop and I began feeling the baby move down more. I did sort of freak out at that point, because I knew I was going to have to push him out (remember that I was induced and had epidurals with the girls!). I got dizzy and anxious, and was on the verge of tears, my midwife was awesome and helped me up onto the bed and had me lay on my side and rubbed my leg and helped me breathe so that I could calm down. About 5 or so min later, I felt it was time to push. She checked me and I was 10 cm and the baby was right there. I got off the bed and into the 1/2 full pool (Josh had some issues with the connections we had, so he was just standing there with the shower head trying to SLOWLY fill it up! He's great!) and began pushing. It was about 3 pushes later, and he was here! Let me tell you, that was painful. I would totally do it again though! Definitely the most pain I had ever experienced in my life, but it was worth it! Ezekiel Joshua Brock was born on Feb 7, at 10:53 pm. He was 8 lbs 2 oz and 20 3/4 inches long (and they said he would be my smallest!). He had the cord wrapped around his neck, so he was really purple when he came out, scarily purple, but he was breathing and crying, so that was good. My midwife actually had to loosen the cord and let his body come through it because he was coming out so quickly she didn't have time to get it over his head. He didn't even have a misshapen head because of how quick he came out!

We have been having so much fun with him! The girls love him to pieces and he gets lots of kisses! He eats all. the. time! So far, he is a great sleeper, only wakes up to eat and then goes right back to sleep! He is wonderful! Here are some pics!


Alexandra said...

congratulations!!!!! He is so beautiful!

And I love the story! I had a medicated labor that ended in c-section with my first and a all natural vbac with my second and hands down would do the natural birth again. SO glad it worked for you! :)

McClure Family said...

yay!!! cant wait to squeeze him tomorrow!!!

Anonymous said...

Good job Jo! He is precious!

natalie said...

he's so adorable!! and I love your story! I'm glad you said you would do it's so great. :) Weird to see you with a boy. I'm sad I missed him on Sunday.
is nursing going good for you? sounds like it is for him. :)