You have become such a little sweetheart. You love to give hugs and kisses and tell everyone you love them...if someone has even been remotely in our lives, you love them and you will tell them!

You are always a mess! Your hair is wild (and beautiful at the same time!) and there is always something on your face!
You are now potty trained! You woke up one day and said, "I want to wear panties, I don't want to wear diapers anymore." So, on the panties went and you did great! I always knew the key with you was to wait until you told me you were ready! (Not to mention that the day before, you pooped in your diaper and I was telling you how tired I was of changing your poopy diapers and that you needed to start going on the potty and you said, "Well, I wouldn't poop in panties, I only would poop in diapers.")
You are such a goofball! You are always doing something silly or saying something so off the wall, you are in your own little world most of the time!
You love music and singing. In the car, you always ask me to turn the music up...and you usually know the song that is on the radio!
You are a bit of a pest. You are constantly poking at Riley and doing things to bother her.
You love Riley to death. You find a lot of comfort in her. If you get upset, you will go to her and tell her what is wrong. If we go to a park or mall play area, if you can't find Riley, you will come sit next to me until you find her.
You are not too keen on trying new things or doing things for yourself. I think if you don't feel confident that you know what you are doing, you just don't want to do it. For example, you will go potty by yourself and not even tell anyone that you are going or need to and you can put your own shirts on, but you don't want to put your pants on, and second guess where your legs go in your panties and usually end up getting pretty frustrated about it.
You are very sensitive. We have to watch how we say things to you because you will just break down and cry if we are a little harsh. At the same time, you can have quite the attitude and are testing out your, "No, I don't want to" phrases!
You get excited about everything! It is adorable! If we say we are going to the park, you start jumping up and down saying, "Yay, the park, I love the park! Are we going to the park? Did you say we are going to the park? I love the park, yay!" If I tell you that it is time for dinner, you start jumping up and down saying, "Yay, dinner, dinner, I love dinner! Did you say dinner to me? It's time for dinner!"
Going along with you getting excited about everything, at Christmas, you opened a gift that was in a box and you didn't even try to open the box, you just kept saying, "Yay, a box! I love this box!" It was so sweet! There was something better inside it, but you were so excited just to get a box!
We are so glad God gave you to us! We love you so much!
What a sweet little post about your cute girl!!
i love her!
I love this. How thoughtful of you to write down things about what kind of little girl Aydia is. Makes me happy in a tearful way!! I love the wonderful person she is and I love you!!
beautiful post!!
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