It has been a crazy few days around our house. I was really hopeful that the "terrible two's" had left us, but boy, was I wrong. From the moment we wake up in the morning, to the moment we go to bed the last 2 days (and today so far) have been tantrum city. I am stressed beyond belief. I can feel my shoulders tensed up and I have had a headache since Sunday. I would say that I can't wait for the three's to hit us, but sadly, three's (at least the first half, it seems to be much better now) were worse than the two's for Riley, so if that is the case...WOW! I don't even want to think about that. I am trying my best to remain calm and deal with this behavior like I know that I need to, but some days, I just want to send her to grandma's house, or really anyone's house. I need a break. No, I need a vacation. I am so thankful that my mother-in-law offered to take the girls for me tomorrow night, it could not have come at a perfect time! Hopefully that will be enough of a break to get me rested and ready for them to come back! Josh took the girls to get some donuts, so I am trying to take some deep breaths before they get back. Please pray for me to have the patience and energy to deal with this. I need it. Hey, maybe this explains why I feel so tired all the time suddenly, oh wait, no, I am just pregnant!
Well, so this whole post isn't such a downer, I will leave you with a sneak peak of Ezekiel's room!
Here is the all famous mother-in-law! She came to help!
My good friend came to help as well!

Thanks ladies!
you are so welcome! {and i want to say for those that dont know me that i am preggers, not}
Praying for you! Luke had a really really hard phase a while back, then he cycled out of it. I'm sure it will be back... I will pray for a cycle of relief for you!! You're a great mom- don't let it make you feel like you're not! It's easy to let that happen!
I'll pray for patience for you if you pray for patience for me :) Ha, just kidding, but I'm totally having one of those days too. One minute Scarlett is the sweetest little angel and the next I'm about to FREAKING LOSE IT with her. Joys of motherhood. Hope you get the most out of your much deserved little break :)
I love the color!! I'm glad you get a break, too :) It was fun when you were here and Riley would spend time with me in the mornings after I dropped dad off. You got rest, we had fun!!
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