We have hit the half way point! I can't believe it! It is flying by! If the second half goes by as quickly as the first half, we will practically be having a baby next month! I really feel like we just found out last month that we were having another baby! During this last week, my belly really popped out quite a bit. I had only gained 4 lbs at my 19 week check-up, but I am sure I gained more this week just by the looks of my belly! Which is fine...my midwife told me I needed to be gaining a little more, so I am sure she will be happy with me! It is so funny, because this is how it was with all 3 of my pregnancies. I looked pretty small until one day, I wake up and had popped out! I am still feeling great! I am so incredibly thankful that I feel so good. It is truly a blessing! I can feel Z moving all. the. time! He is pretty strong too so far, he has to be though, to help his daddy take care of us girls! I have been having so much fun looking around for boy stuff! It just seems so surreal! I can't wait!
My 20 week picture!

It's a boy! (Sorry Z for putting your goods on my blog, but I am just SOOOO excited!)

Profile picture! When we had our sonogram, I thought he looked like he had Josh's profile! You can't really tell in this picture, but it really did!

Look at these adorable cookies we got from some friends of ours! Such a sweet idea!
Super cute baby bump.
Super cute baby profile.
Super cute It's a BOY Cookies...
I assume you're calling him Zeke, based on the Z? Love it.
so stinkin cute!!
soooooo exciting! and you are just so cute!
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