When Riley was 3 months old, I had a feeling. I had not had a period since I Riley was born, but I just knew. I kept meaning to take a pregnancy test, but just kept forgetting (like I was busy or something!). We were about to go on a camping trip with our friends Emily and Trevor, and we stopped at Target to pick up food and all that good stuff, when I was passing the pregnancy test aisle, and looked at my friend and said, "Should I get one?" We decided to get one. I told Josh that I was going to go into the bathroom and take the test...yes, at Target! So, my best friend Emily and I go in the bathroom while Josh and his best friend Trev wait outside of the bathroom door. I take the test and it immediately shows up positive. I showed it to Emily and she screamed at the top of her lungs! Meanwhile, upon hearing the screaming coming from the bathroom, Trev looked over at Josh and said, "Congratulations!" I came out of the bathroom crying and told Josh the news! Just about when we got back from our camping trip, the vomiting started again. I, again, threw up a lot during Aydia's pregnancy. This was a really rough pregnancy for me. I was pretty sick, and I had a baby to take care of. Josh was working crazy hours...he would leave around 4:30 am and get home around 7 pm. It was rough. Riley was not sleeping through the night (and didn't until 3 weeks before Aydia Rhyan was born), so I did not get much sleep. I remember many, many nights laying on Riley's floor just crying and crying because I was so tired and I just wanted my baby to sleep. There were many mornings I remember waking up puking and having to call my sister, who lived just down the stairs in the same house, to come get Riley for me. She was definitely my lifesaver! Even though I did not have Josh around, I had my sister to help me out a lot! I don't remember many details about Aydia's pregnancy, but I do remember that she had a very strong kick. Like, seriously strong. It was painful every time she kicked me. We never knew 100% that she was a girl because every time we would get a sonogram, she would burry her face down really low (we never got to see her face on the sono's) and curl up in a ball...she was shy (and still is)! Since we never got to see her face, I had always wondered about a certain movement she would do. She had her head really, really low, and I could feel a really strange movement going on, when she was born, as soon as they laid her on the table, she lifted her head up and looked side to side...I yelled out, "That is what you were doing!" The nurses were amazed! I am telling you, she was a STRONG baby...and still is! I also remember that every time I would hold Riley, Aydia would kick on the side where Riley was...sibling rivalry already! Again, I was quite emotional when I was pregnant with Aydia...really emotional. I was a bit of a mess.
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