You love anything girly. Pink, dresses, brushing your hair, high heels, make-up, and nail polish.
You absolutely LOVE having your friends around.
You have the cutest fake laugh that you have just recently developed!
You say, "I love you!" a lot to all of us! I love that!
You love to capture moments by taking a picture of them! If you see something that you think is cute or that you like, you say, "Can you take a picture of that?"
Recently you have been comforting Aydia. It is very sweet!
You love movies and Barbies right now!
When you put a dress or skirt on, you say, "Mom, is this my ballet?" I tell you that it is and you say, "Yay, I a ballerina!"
You play better alone.
You are very shy and cautious of new things/situations. I have learned that you get overwhelmed very easily.
You are a total goofball! You are hilarious!
You LOVE Riley to pieces and recently have been seeking comfort from her (especially when I tell you you can't do something!)
You love to play with your play kitchen and make us food and drinks...I think you would do that all day!
You sing to the radio in the adorable high pitched voice!
i loved reading this! this will mean a lot when they are older!!
sweet! jenny is will mean a lot to them, and it will be nice for you to look back on.
and I love all these things about them too. ;)
It is so very cool to "know" them, even when I'm far away. Thanks for all you do, Jo, to keep this blog going!!!
What a great idea to keep track of their little personalities! Fun to see how different your girls are! :)
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