These are typical things that my kids talk about!
"Mom, it's sunny day!"
She thinks that our friends do everything with us (which is pretty true, but not ALWAYS, like when we go grocery shopping!) If we are about to leave to go somewhere, she says, " who is coming with us?"
"What are we doing today?" (But she wants to know the exact order and who is coming with us!)
"Can I watch a movie?"
"Daddy is at the fire station with all of his friends, Bob, Mike, and Todd." (some of the guys daddy works with!)
"Can we go to the mall?"
"Do these shoes go on these feets?"
"I like all those kids!" (when we pulled up to the park!)
"Miss Judy told me that Jesus lives in my heart. He went in here (pointing to her coloring paper with the tomb on it) and then he came out and he was alive!"
"That doesn't glorify God, that glorifies Riley!" (She is starting to understand!)
"What you talking bout?"
"Where we goin?"
"I hogy mommy."
"Twinko twinko witto dar. How I wonder whachu are..." LOVES this song!
"No more monkey's jump on da bed, one fell off and bump his head, da doctor said, no more monkey's jump on da bed."
"Where daddy go?"
"Daddy at da biredation!" (anytime daddy is not with us, he is always at the fire station!)
"Mommy, I go see Liley!" (she always wants to go see Riley, she loves to be where she is!)