Sunday, October 12, 2008

Successful Sunday!

So, I think I have mentioned this before on my blog, but Aydia absolutely HATES childcare. She learned that if she made herself throw up on Sunday's in the toddler class, they would come and get me and then would get to hang out with me through the remainder of the service. So, after a few times of this, I asked my friends working in the toddler class NOT to come get me because that is why she was doing it. This morning, I dropped her off and she cried as normal, then I waited a minute and peeked in and she had stopped. When I came to pick the girls up, she was standing at the gate with all the rest of the kids (this has NEVER happened...someone is ALWAYS holding her!). They said she was great. She played the whole time and had a blast! I was SOOOOOOOOO excited! I think it was because Riley prayed for her in the car on the way! It was one of the sweetest things ever. She first said to Aydia, "Aydia, remember, no frowing up, and no crying, just playing" Then she said, "God, help Aydia not to frow up and just to have fun!" The Lord answered her prayer! We will see how long this lasts! Everyday is a new day!

So, we had some milestones at our house this week. Riley pooped on the potty...twice! And Aydia is not paci free! We forgot it one day and just laid her down with-out we just took it away!

We have a busy week ahead of to come!

1 comment:

josh said...

That is definitely the coolest story i have heard all week... wish we could see you guys more, tell Josh i love him