Last night after the girls went to bed, I was in my room watching Criminal Minds when I hear a suspicious noise over the monitor. I mute the TV and I listen and hear an Elmo doll LAUGHING. I raced through my brain real fast to remember where that Elmo doll was when I put the girls to bed, I knew Riley was not sleeping with it as she is particular at night and sleeps only with her bear and her water. I was quite creeped out and called Josh who had just walked out the door to hang out with a friend and told him to get up here quick. We went in the girls room and Elmo is laying in the middle of the floor, ALONE, not touched by anything laughing and Riley is awake now crying because she is scared (Aydia did not make a peep though!). Maybe I am just crazy, but I was quite creeped out and had to sleep with the tv on until Josh got home.

I have some pics to upload from the wedding Riley and I were in and from Josh and my 3rd anniversary, but blogger is taking forever so I will have to do it later! Just the creepy Elmo story for now!
haha that's so funny! scarlett has a fisher price piano that i SWEAR is possessed. it turns on by itself and starts singing songs! elmo creeps me out all by himself, so i definitely would have slept with the tv on too :)
that is so funny! i would have been no different. we have an elmo that talks too... one night my hubby got up to go to the restroom and kicked elmo and it goes "you're elmo's sweetheart" in the silly elmo voice and SCARED him to death!
that is freaky!!! mom
Ewwww...that thing would've been in the goodwill pile faster than you can say "Elmo loves you!"
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