Wow, what a blogger fail I have been! I have to say that since having kid #3 just about 2 years ago, everything seemed to double as far as what needed to get done and I didn't double, so some things have had to slip to the background and unfortunately blogging was one of them! I want to do a better job at keeping up with my blog! Here I go!
Well, I guess I will just sort of recap on some things that happened in 2011...specifically toward the end since that is especially when I got bad at blogging! Both of the girls are in school, so that gives 3 days a week for just Z and I to hang out!
The fall was SOOOO busy for my photography business! It was awesome! I have a feeling that will always be the busiest time of year for me. I am coming up on a year in my photography business, how exciting!
Josh and I attended a class held at our church called, The Renovation of the Heart. It was an amazing class, life changing. I learned a lot about myself, as well as a lot about the Lord. I think the main thing that changed my life was actually coming to understand the Lord's love.
We went to a cabin in OK with the Brock's for Thanksgiving, it was fun and relaxing! NOTHING to do, it was great!
My family came for a visit around Christmas time, it is always good to have them here! While they were here, we did some family photos...I will put those in the next post!
Right now, I guess the main thing going on is trying to fix up our house to sell it. We have felt the Lord calling us to move for over a year now and have just been trying to be patient in waiting on the Lord's timing. We both feel the time is coming soon! It is such a project to fix things in a house built in the 50's! We were trying to fix the shower head in the girls bathroom so we would have one to use while we gutted our bathroom and it resulted in a bathroom gut of the guest bath...crazy! Apparently they built houses with concrete walls back in the 50's, so to get to anything behind the wall, you had to demo through the was a mess!