First of all, wow, do I ever get the award for worst blogger ever! 1 blog post in June...sad. What can I say, I'm busy! Anyways, I want to tell a little story about Riley!

The girls are going to a VBS this week. They missed the first day (yesterday) because they had to go to the dentist, so today was their first day. They had some sort of competition going on between the girls and boys for how many of the girls or boys could bring money to donate to help some babies to get diapers (sorry the description is so vague...I obviously don't really know the details!). Anyways, it was a girls against boys competition! The girls won. Riley came home from VBS this was our conversation
Riley: "I'm sad the boys didn't win."
Me: "Why?"
Riley: "Because a lot of the boys were sad that they didn't win."
Me: "Well, the girls won, does that make you happy?"
Riley: "No, because the boys were sad."

She has the sweetest heart! Winning wasn't even the object here to her, happiness was! I hope I can foster this character in her, I love it!