Wow, blogging sure has taken a back seat since Z was born! Since he was born, I am finding it difficult to stay on top of everything there is for me to do, you know, feed the kids, bathe the kids, bathe and feed myself, cook meals, make lunch for RIley, get Riley to and from school, laundry, feed the puppy, take the puppy out to potty, clean the house, grocery shop, be a wife, be a friend, be missional, start a photography business...ahhhh! I can't keep up!
Well, this month, I have had several photo shoots! It has been really fun! I like the work I am doing, I am just hoping that other people are as well! It is really great to have an outlet that is just for me!
We have also, attended the St. Patty's day parade in which Josh was playing in. That was a crazy, green, sea of drunken people...I will never take my kids without help again. When we first got there, one of the little boys we were with got lost and the rest of the time I was super paranoid about my kids getting lost or stolen. It was just craziness. We attended several birthday parties. Riley had spring break, it was nice to have a week of not having to plan my days around taking her and picking her up from school! Next fall, it doubles, since I will have Aydia in school too!
Zeke has started walking. It is the cutest thing!
Our pup gained another 11lbs this month! He is getting so big!
Here are some pictures!