Zeke is 7 months old today! He has slowed down on his weight...praise Jesus, I was starting to think I was going to be carrying around a 30 lb 1 year old! Haha! He is 20 lbs, his height and weight have finally caught up to each other! He is wearing 12 month clothes. He can give kisses, wave, sit up, he gets on his hands and knees, he rolls over a lot now (he had only rolled over twice at his 6 month birthday...lazy boy!). He still loves his mama, definitely has an attachment to me! He still won't take a bottle and is not too interested in foods...more on that below! He loves to play with toys, especially if his sisters will play with him! He LOVES his sisters! He gets so excited when he sees them! He does not like to be left in the nursery...he freaks out. Last week, I left him in there and heard him screaming all the way in the auditorium...he seriously freaks out! He is crazy, but we love him so much!
I took these pictures of Zeke to document his 6 month birthday!

Pretty much, the only way to get Zeke to eat something, is to just give it to him and let him go for it. He Hates baby food, he will only eat something if it is either in the form it comes in, or in small chunks! Crazy man! Here is a picture of him eating avocado's...of course, all by himself!

We got to watch our friends girls a few weeks ago so they could go out for their anniversary! Zeke is in love with little Bailey B! I think she is pretty fond of him too! They always get so excited when they see each other, it is really cute! Her mom and I went to Target the other day, and actually got asked if they were twins! Hehe!

How cute is she!