Today has been one of those days that has totally exhausted me. Usually I have plenty of energy to keep up with my almost 2 year old and almost 3 year old, but man, they wore me out today. It has been one of those days where they have needed me literally every second of the day. Usually they are a little bit more least a little during the day! I have constantly had to say things like, "Don't kick the..." and "don't take that away from your sister", "don't throw a fit", "don't, don't, don't, don't..."! Some days, I wonder what is going through my kids brains! Phew, such is the life of a mom! I love them even with days like this though!
On a better note, today we went to Big Lots to let the girls pick out a gift for one of their friends that is having a bday party on saturday and I was cracking up at Riley. It is just so hilarious how kids don't care what people think of them or are not worried that they may look silly or people may stare at them! When I was checking out, Riley was jumping up and down saying, "Yooo-hooo-hooo" over and over and over! This is not an uncommon experience for me to have, but today for some reason, I just got a kick out of it. Tons of people were watching her and she had NO clue they were watching and obviously didn't even care! It was pretty hilarious!