This is ridiculous. A man who worked at Walmart was trampled to death today by shoppers. This just makes me furious. What could those people possibly need so badly, that they have to break down the door and trample a man? A tv, toys for their kids (who probably have hundreds already), a Wii, some shirts, wrapping paper...seriously? This world is SO materialistic it makes me sick.
This is one of the news websites with the story...hate it.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful for my sweet girls! My husband and all of our family! I am thankful that the Lord provides our every needs and I am especially thankful that the Lord allowed us to buy our first house yesterday!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Question Monday...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
This one is all about Aydia...
Monday, November 17, 2008
Question Monday...
Ok, 2 comments last Monday...come on people...there are hundreds of you that read every week...WHO ARE YOU? The point of these "question monday" posts is so that you will comment! PLEASE!!!!!
Question: Where have you always wanted to go?
My answer: Ireland. For some reason, I have always wanted to go there. It just seems like a cool place! And my husband's fam is part Irish, so that makes it even cooler! Josh told me that we can try to go for our 5th anniversary! Yay!
Your turn!
Question: Where have you always wanted to go?
My answer: Ireland. For some reason, I have always wanted to go there. It just seems like a cool place! And my husband's fam is part Irish, so that makes it even cooler! Josh told me that we can try to go for our 5th anniversary! Yay!
Your turn!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Convo with a 2 year old...
We are driving home from a friends house last night around 8 pm.
Riley: "Mom, look what's in my mouth." With her mouth wide open.
Me: "I can't see anything in there, it is too dark. What is in your mouth?"
Riley: "A boogie."
Me: "Ewe, Ri, why is there a boogie in your mouth, that is gross."
Riley: "Because I'm eating it."
Me: "Yuck, we don't eat boogies."
Riley: "Mom, look, it's all gone, I ate it!" With the most enthusiasm ever!
Me: "Ok, Riley, let's not eat our boogies anymore, ok?"
Riley: "We just eat food."
Me: "Yes, we just eat food."
Riley: "Not boogies."
Me: "That's right, not boogies."
Where do they get these things?
This conve was last night when I am putting her to bed, she always asks us to lay with her, so I agreed and was laying with her.
Me: Yawn. "Man, I am tired."
Riley: "I'm tired too, that was an early day!"
Riley: "Mom, look what's in my mouth." With her mouth wide open.
Me: "I can't see anything in there, it is too dark. What is in your mouth?"
Riley: "A boogie."
Me: "Ewe, Ri, why is there a boogie in your mouth, that is gross."
Riley: "Because I'm eating it."
Me: "Yuck, we don't eat boogies."
Riley: "Mom, look, it's all gone, I ate it!" With the most enthusiasm ever!
Me: "Ok, Riley, let's not eat our boogies anymore, ok?"
Riley: "We just eat food."
Me: "Yes, we just eat food."
Riley: "Not boogies."
Me: "That's right, not boogies."
Where do they get these things?
This conve was last night when I am putting her to bed, she always asks us to lay with her, so I agreed and was laying with her.
Me: Yawn. "Man, I am tired."
Riley: "I'm tired too, that was an early day!"
Saturday, November 15, 2008
This one's all about Ri!
My little Riley! She is pretty much potty trained! This is quite exciting! She is great on the peeing part, she has had 1 poo accident in the last 3 weeks, so I would say that is pretty good! Man, it is so much easier than diapers! She loves wearing panties and her little butt looks so cute in them! She loves to play with her friends. She is a social butterfly! She is sweet, caring, motherly, funny, calm, and very lovey! She will hug you or kiss you anytime of the day! She never turns down some good lovin! She is very much the oldest child. She thinks she is everyone's mommy and they have to listen to her! She doesn't like to be dirty or to make a mess. She loves to jump on the couch. She loves to play pretend, she has a great imagination! Here are some pics of my little Ri. One of her showing off her panties and one of her...well, you will see!

Friday, November 14, 2008
House Hunting...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Question Monday...
The comments were ok last week...let's see if we can do better!
Question: What is something you have always wanted to do?
My answer: Go to cosmetology school!
Question: What is something you have always wanted to do?
My answer: Go to cosmetology school!
Friday, November 7, 2008
What we are doing for Christmas...
So this year for Christmas, our family, along with our church family is going to build wells for people who don't have clean water. I am not saying this to brag, because that is totally not what it is about. I am saying it in hopes to get your help. Please watch this video and join the cause. If you want to help, just ask me what you can do! Think about how awesome it would be to be able to give clean, drinkable water to people instead of giving/receiving so many gifts on material things that really, do you need?
Living Water International
Living Water International
This was for a fall festival.

They wanted to get their faces painted...the line was REALLY long...we waited for 1 1/2 hours in that dang line...that is all they wanted to do, so we waited...oh the simple things in life...we love them!

Aydia would not be still, so they had to do it on her arm

They rode their first ride, and loved it. Aydia actually threw a fit when I had to take her off.

This was on Halloween. Now, you are probably wondering why they wore 2 costumes. Riley's is because she had her princess dress that was borrowed from a friend and it got ripped by another friend, so she then borrowed a mermaid outfit. Aydia's was because we didn't have the bee outfit from another friend in time for the festival.

They both really had a lot of fun trick-or-treating for the first time! Riley was so excited, she ran everywhere...hard to keep up with her while holding Aydia who is pretty cautious and did not want to walk because it was unknown! Riley would run up to the door and say, "trick or treaty." It was pretty funny! We only went to about 10 houses (mama's spleen started to hurt...mono). I have only let them have a couple pieces of the candy as well. I have been trying to pawn it off on guests. They just don't need it and neither do I! I know it seems mean, but oh well! My house, my rules folks! Hahaha!
They wanted to get their faces painted...the line was REALLY long...we waited for 1 1/2 hours in that dang line...that is all they wanted to do, so we waited...oh the simple things in life...we love them!
Aydia would not be still, so they had to do it on her arm
They rode their first ride, and loved it. Aydia actually threw a fit when I had to take her off.
This was on Halloween. Now, you are probably wondering why they wore 2 costumes. Riley's is because she had her princess dress that was borrowed from a friend and it got ripped by another friend, so she then borrowed a mermaid outfit. Aydia's was because we didn't have the bee outfit from another friend in time for the festival.
They both really had a lot of fun trick-or-treating for the first time! Riley was so excited, she ran everywhere...hard to keep up with her while holding Aydia who is pretty cautious and did not want to walk because it was unknown! Riley would run up to the door and say, "trick or treaty." It was pretty funny! We only went to about 10 houses (mama's spleen started to hurt...mono). I have only let them have a couple pieces of the candy as well. I have been trying to pawn it off on guests. They just don't need it and neither do I! I know it seems mean, but oh well! My house, my rules folks! Hahaha!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
So, this is my first official/personal tag so, of course, I have to do it even though I have already posted today!
RULES:*Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog
*Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself
*Tag seven other people at the end of your post and link to their blogs
*Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
I was tagged by Brooke
1: I have a phobia of wigs.
2: I don't like to talk on the phone.
3: I LOVE Law and Order SVU and CI
4: Ok, this one is TMI, I know, but it is probably the most random/weird thing that ever happened to me.You will know me on a whole 'nother level after reading this!
I was with one of my bff's Holly and we were driving from Dallas to Abilene in college and her car broke down. It was a Sunday, so no tow places were open and we were in the middle of nowhere. We finally found someone that said they would come get us and that it would be around 5 hours (which it was!). As we were waiting, on the highway, I suddenly had the urge to go #2...dang it. So, as I did not want to poo right where everyone could see my bare naked hiney, I found a cup and used it (you get my drift). Then, set it outside of the car. We see a cop pulling up behind us not too long after that. I freak out and chunk the cup into the field next to us, but some of it fell out right next to the car. As the cop was walking up, he stepped in it...haha! Ok, there it is, one of my hidden stories!
5: I purposely avoid knowing anything about movies before I watch them so that I won't have a pre-conceived notion about them.
6: One of my nervous habits is, I write things on my thumb with my pointer finger, but before every word that I write, I have to "wipe" the other word off first.
7: The first time I ever met Josh, I farted on his was my test for him! I knew before I even actually met him that I wanted to marry him and I thought to myself, self, if he doesn't run away after this, everything will work out! Who has that sort of logic, I know, odd!
I tag:
The Joy of Having Boys
RULES:*Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog
*Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself
*Tag seven other people at the end of your post and link to their blogs
*Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
I was tagged by Brooke
1: I have a phobia of wigs.
2: I don't like to talk on the phone.
3: I LOVE Law and Order SVU and CI
4: Ok, this one is TMI, I know, but it is probably the most random/weird thing that ever happened to me.You will know me on a whole 'nother level after reading this!
I was with one of my bff's Holly and we were driving from Dallas to Abilene in college and her car broke down. It was a Sunday, so no tow places were open and we were in the middle of nowhere. We finally found someone that said they would come get us and that it would be around 5 hours (which it was!). As we were waiting, on the highway, I suddenly had the urge to go #2...dang it. So, as I did not want to poo right where everyone could see my bare naked hiney, I found a cup and used it (you get my drift). Then, set it outside of the car. We see a cop pulling up behind us not too long after that. I freak out and chunk the cup into the field next to us, but some of it fell out right next to the car. As the cop was walking up, he stepped in it...haha! Ok, there it is, one of my hidden stories!
5: I purposely avoid knowing anything about movies before I watch them so that I won't have a pre-conceived notion about them.
6: One of my nervous habits is, I write things on my thumb with my pointer finger, but before every word that I write, I have to "wipe" the other word off first.
7: The first time I ever met Josh, I farted on his was my test for him! I knew before I even actually met him that I wanted to marry him and I thought to myself, self, if he doesn't run away after this, everything will work out! Who has that sort of logic, I know, odd!
I tag:
The Joy of Having Boys
Question Monday...
Last Monday's question was ok on the comments...let's do better!
Question: What is one thing you have always wanted to do?
My answer: Go to cosmetology school!
Question: What is one thing you have always wanted to do?
My answer: Go to cosmetology school!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Question Monday...
Ok, so in an attempt to get all you people who read my blog (I know there are quite a few of you thanks to BlogFlux and I want to know who you are!) I am going to start something. Every Monday I am going to post a question and I want you to leave a comment with your answer! Sound fun? Here we go.
Question: What do you do when you are feeling stressed?
My answer: I clean. I want to be left alone, and I go on a cleaning rampage! It is really good for my house or car!
Now it is your turn!
Question: What do you do when you are feeling stressed?
My answer: I clean. I want to be left alone, and I go on a cleaning rampage! It is really good for my house or car!
Now it is your turn!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
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