Monday, August 18, 2008
Going private...
Hey everyone, I am letting you all know that I am going to set my blog to private. Leave a comment with your email address if you want me to add you to the list of people that can read my blog! I will wait a week or so to do it, so that should leave you all plenty of time! Even if I don't know you read, you can comment!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
R & A's room!
Well, glad the crazy Tuesday is over! Here are some pics of the girls room that I decorated! I have never really been able to decorate because we lived in apartments and then other people's houses, so I was pretty stoked when I was able to paint the walls in their room and ours! Over here at our friends house (where we live!) we have painted 7 out of 9 rooms and a hallway...I LOVE to paint!

The letters for the girls names were hand painted by me and my friend Bre! I was pretty impressed with our handy work! I also made what is in the frames! Who knew I could be creative!
The letters for the girls names were hand painted by me and my friend Bre! I was pretty impressed with our handy work! I also made what is in the frames! Who knew I could be creative!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
What the heck is up with Tuesday's?
So, for our household, it seems that most Tuesday's are a CRAZY day. I don't get it. I don't like it. From the moment the girls wake up, they are crazy and disobedient...what is happening? Does anybody else have a day like this that is pretty regular or is something weird happening in my family? This is the only explanation that I try to tell myself to feel better...Sunday's are always a day where they get thrown off on naps and stuff, and maybe on Monday's since it is pretty much a normal day, normal naps and then by Tuesday's they have not had a chance to make up for the lack of sleep yet and so they are just crazy because they are tired...? Who really knows? Does this happen to anyone else?
Monday, August 11, 2008
Thanks everyone for the advice. I think it has passed! For about 3 days now, Riley has been back to her old great napper/going to beder! I was already being very consistant with her and everytime after her one warning, she would get a just sucked to have to do that. I just wanted to see if anyone had a different alternative, but it worked! I am sure it will happen again sometime, so at least now I know that if I just keep being consistant that it will pass!
Anyways, here are some of the things the girls are doing these days. Riley, she just had a doc appt last week and has grown 3 inches and gained 5 lbs in the last 3 months. She is officially 3 feet tall and weighs 30 lbs! She is becoming more and more motherly. She is very nurturing and sweet. Sometimes I lay with her for a minute in bed before naptime and everytime, she will rub my face and say, "Mom, you're so pretty" or "You're cute, mom!" or "I love you, mom!" Also, if Aydia cries or falls down or whines, Riley will bend down to her (which is like 3 inches!) and say, "Are you ok?" or "What's wrong, sweetie?" It is pretty much the cutest sweetest thing ever! Also, I think she would be great at gymnastics! She is always doing some crazy jump move or something and the other day on the Olympics, she was watching the gymnists and said, "Wow, I want to do that sometime!" I have thought for a while that I wanted to put her in gymnastics eventually, but definitely am going to!
Now on to Aydia...she is beginning to say really clear words and even sentences! The other day at dinner, she said, "I want some more!" The clearest sentence ever! She also says things that she sees a lot like, "I see you, mommy" or "I see ball!" She is also learning how to obey! I think she is doing pretty well for her age. Since she is around Riley and the other 2 year old that we live with, she sees a lot of hitting, pushing, screaming...and more! So, she is doing it also, just because it gets done to her and so I have had to start time-outs for her. Yesterday, I told her that she was going to need to go to time-out and she took herself there...and was REALLY proud of herself and laughed and smiled the whole time in time-out! It was hilarious! Aydia also wears the same size clothes that Riley does! She is chunky and cute! Sorry there are no pictures, we are house sitting, so I will have to get some up next time!
Anyways, here are some of the things the girls are doing these days. Riley, she just had a doc appt last week and has grown 3 inches and gained 5 lbs in the last 3 months. She is officially 3 feet tall and weighs 30 lbs! She is becoming more and more motherly. She is very nurturing and sweet. Sometimes I lay with her for a minute in bed before naptime and everytime, she will rub my face and say, "Mom, you're so pretty" or "You're cute, mom!" or "I love you, mom!" Also, if Aydia cries or falls down or whines, Riley will bend down to her (which is like 3 inches!) and say, "Are you ok?" or "What's wrong, sweetie?" It is pretty much the cutest sweetest thing ever! Also, I think she would be great at gymnastics! She is always doing some crazy jump move or something and the other day on the Olympics, she was watching the gymnists and said, "Wow, I want to do that sometime!" I have thought for a while that I wanted to put her in gymnastics eventually, but definitely am going to!
Now on to Aydia...she is beginning to say really clear words and even sentences! The other day at dinner, she said, "I want some more!" The clearest sentence ever! She also says things that she sees a lot like, "I see you, mommy" or "I see ball!" She is also learning how to obey! I think she is doing pretty well for her age. Since she is around Riley and the other 2 year old that we live with, she sees a lot of hitting, pushing, screaming...and more! So, she is doing it also, just because it gets done to her and so I have had to start time-outs for her. Yesterday, I told her that she was going to need to go to time-out and she took herself there...and was REALLY proud of herself and laughed and smiled the whole time in time-out! It was hilarious! Aydia also wears the same size clothes that Riley does! She is chunky and cute! Sorry there are no pictures, we are house sitting, so I will have to get some up next time!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
I need help...
It is not very often that I ask for help or have really ever felt like I did not know what to do about some of Riley's behavior. She is definitely my easy child and pretty obedient. However, lately when it is nap time or bed time, she has given me quite the run for my money. For at least an hour for both nap and bed time, she calls for me, gets out of bed and knocks on the door, or gets out of bed and starts playing, and just will not go to sleep. It is really frustrating, especially at bed time because her and Aydia share a room and now Aydia is learning this behavior and I have had to start separating them. I feel totally lost. I feel like I have tried everything and need help. I don't know if anyone else has had this problem, but if you have and have some advice, I NEED IT!!!! I don't know how much longer I can deal with this. I love Riley so much and normally she is SO good, I don't get it.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
He got hired!
Josh got a call from Rowlett a couple of days ago from one of the fire chiefs that he has been keeping in touch with saying that they want to hire him and he will get a call with his start date within the next 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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