Well, since the last post, we all have gotten healthy again and life is back to normal. Well, our new normal! Josh started fire school last Monday, so it is sort of the beginning of a new chapter for us. Josh LOVES school! He has the whole firefighters outfit...the yellow one! He has already learned so much just in a week and a half. It is so awesome to see him doing something he loves finally! He has had a rough couple of years with employers...I think I mentioned that before, but he is just so much happier! It is cute to see his excitement everyday. He is trying out for the city of Rowlett on the 20th, so please be praying about that. We know for sure that this is definitely what God wants him to be doing, now it is just figuring out where he wants him to do it! So, it will just be a process of trying out for every city until he makes it!
The girls are doing good, just growing up everyday. Aydia is becoming less and less of a baby. She loves attention and has started to fake cough or let out a scream (a happy one!) if people are not paying attention to her. She is such a happy baby and is just becoming such a flirt and a tease! She LOVES men. We have figured out that the way to keep her happy in the nursery is to let the man take care of her. If there is a man in there, they tell me that she just cries and cries until he picks her up and then she is golden! Riley is becoming so funny. Today she fell and hurt her arm and of course, asked me to kiss it to make it better, but then that wasn't enough, so she kissed it 3 times and then said it was better. She always tells me that I am silly and she is crazy. She put a diaper on her bear today and got a kick out of that!
So, today I had a WIC appointment...for those of you who don't know what that is, it stands for Women, Infants, and Children and is basically a government funded program that provides milk, cheese, eggs formula, and lots of other basic foods for poor people. It is pretty awesome...if you are poor, you should totally do it! Anyways, there are always some interesting people when I go to my appointments. Today there was this mom with her 4 kids who just put on a show for all of us. She had a daughter that looked about 15( I think the baby was actually hers, but she seemed to want nothing to do with that baby), twins that looked about 8 and then a baby a couple of months old. Well, she was on her cell phone most of the time and her little boy was yelling and pushing other kids and the mom was just watching and acted like it was no big deal and then he began to yell and push and hit his twin sister and so she let out a scream and the mom yelled at her and smacked her leg for yelling and then said, "You guys are so going to daycare today, I am so sick of this. I am about to beat your a.." (you know what) and then went back to talking on the phone like nothing ever happened. It was awful. It was awkward as well. Everyone else in there was just looking at eachother like, did that seriously just happen. What do you do in situations like that? I just felt for those kids. They were 8 acting like 3 year olds. The whole time they were there (about an hour) they yelled, pushed, and threw body thrashing tantrums on the floor while their mom just kept telling them "they were so going to daycare when they left." Anyways, that made out for an interesting start of the day to say the least! It can be a whole different world sometimes!
I am going to upload some pics in the next couple of days so I will be posting those! Keep making comments! Love them! Happy Valentines Day!