Well, on Saturday, we went with some friends to a breakfast with Santa. It was a lot of fun. Riley got to decorate a cookie, make a neclace (which she actually beaded herself), make an ornament, and take a picture with Santa. That was probably one of the funniest experiences of my life. The girls HATED Santa! Well, actually, Riley likes him as long as he is not too close! We were waiting in line and trying to tell Riley that she was going to take a picture with Santa and explain it to her, and she said she did not want to sit on his lap because he was "Scary!" So, it is our turn and I am walking up holding both of the girls and Riley is trying to get as far away as possible from him but still stay attached to me. Aydia seemed fine, she was just looking at him, so he took Aydia and she immediatley started screaming and that made Riley scared. So, I said I will sit with you and that was ok with Riley. I just told the ladies to just take the pic because there was no way we were getting them to be happy! Here it is!

On Friday night, we decorated the tree here at the Brock's house! Riley had so much fun! She was such a good helper! Here is a picture of her putting her first ornament on!

Well, I am sure the next post will be after Christmas, so enjoy your Christmas everyone! We will be in CO!!!