Monday, October 22, 2007

The dreaded day has come...

So, I figured out how to upload pics...turns out it is pretty easy! Here are a couple for you guys!
Here is little Aydia!
Here is Riley!
Here is our family in August!

So, one of the days I have been dreading has come. Riley has learned how to open doors. This morning, she woke up, opened her door, walked to the room where Andrew and Lenzie were sleeping...which is usually where Josh and I sleep, so that is probably why she went there...opened their door and walked in to wake them up. Time to get childproof door covers!

I feel I have another dreaded day coming soon as well...Aydia crawling. On Saturday night, she got up on her hands and knees for a couple of seconds. We are predicting she will be crawling within a month. She wants to get around so bad. It will be interresting to have two wireless Josh says!

This weekend Andrew and Lenzie came into town. It was so good to hang out with them! We thought we were going to be able to hang out with them a ton when we lived in CO Springs and them in NM, because it is only a few hours aways, but then God had other plans for us and brought us back to Texas, so it was fun to see them! We are going there for Thanksgiving, which will be lots of fun as well!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Long time...

Ok, so it has been a long time since we have updated this thing! I am going to try to keep it updated for everyone...if anyone will read it!
Riley is 18 months old now. She is talking a ton and learning new stuff everyday! She is starting to say sentences and it is so cute. She is a little ball of energy!
Aydia is 6 1/2 months old now. The big things she is doing in life right now are trying to sit up on her own, lots of tummy time so she can learn how to crawl...she wants to, but she gets really frustrated, she just started drinking out of a transition cup...she caught on the FIRST time we tried it! That is how much the girl loves to eat, she does not care about what it comes in, she just wants it! She will laugh to get your attention. She loves to watch Riley and cracks up at her! It is so cute how much they love eachother!
Josh and I are doing good. We are trying to rediscover what it is like to be married! After pregnancies and babies for 2 years, we sort of forgot what it was like to be married and are trying to get back to having time together without the babes! We love them, but need some time to ourselves! Since we are housesitting, Nonnie and Pop are going to watch the girls overnight on Fri, so that will be fun for us to wake up on Sat without children screaming to get us up! I have to work Fri night until midnight, so we wont get much time then, but maybe a little on Sat! That will be fun!
Anyways, that is us right now! I will post some pics soon...when I figure out how to post pics! If anyone knows, let me know.